- One who is skilled in topography. 地形學者精通地形學的人
- Situated anterior to the frontal bone. 前額骨的位於額骨前部的
- A marked change in topography such as a fault or deep valley. 斷層地形上的顯著變化,如斷層,深谷
- Full frontal anarchy is his cry. 他鼓吹的是不折不扣的無政府主義。
- This is a rare type of karst topography. 是非常罕見的喀斯特地貌景觀。
- Results The frontal lobe tumor had no effect on P3,while the temporal lobe tumor induced distinct change in P3 latency and topography. 結果顳葉腫瘤佔位患者P3潛伏期、地形圖等參數變化明顯,而額葉則無明顯變化。
- Of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone. 前額與前額或額骨有關的或額骨的
- Of or relating to the frontal plane. 正面的正面圖的或與正面圖有關的
- Concerning the topography of a specific region. 某地的地質情況有關特殊地區地形學的
- An ornamental border for a frontal. 額前飾帶帶有裝飾性邊的額前飾物
- A typical phenomenon of karst topography. 是典型的峰林現象。
- And its spectacular sandstone topography. 以丹霞地貌著稱於世。
- The enemy made a frontal attack on our troops. 敵人對我們的部隊發動了一次正面的進攻。
- And this is typical marine- abrasion topography. 這裡就是典型的海蝕地貌了。
- Soft frontal lighting smooths over form. 軟正面照明平滑的形式。
- Weather fronts are bound up with a frontal cyclone. 天氣的鋒面和鋒面氣旋密切相關。
- Topography from north to south for a tilt. 地勢呈現為自北向南傾斜。
- Sally now resolved to brace up and risk a frontal attack. 於是薩利決定鼓足勇氣,冒險正面進攻。
- After days of inactivity, the enemy finally showed its teeth by a frontal attack on our position. 幾天沒動靜之後,敵人終於齜牙咧嘴地向我們的陣地發動了正面的進攻。
- The battle plan for the frontal assault had been completed. 就在正面進攻的作戰方案已經準備就緒。