- free running oscillator 自激振蕩器
- This 100% nylon rope knots easily and is extremely flexible and free running. 100%25尼龍繩結容易和極其靈活和自由運轉。
- Free running emerald laser pumped by 660 nm laser diode(LD) was reported. 報道了溫差水熱法生長的祖母綠晶體在660 nm激光二極體(LD)抽運下的激光實驗結果。
- I got cast to be a Snatcher through my pictures and my ability of free running and parkour. 答:我是通過我的照片還有我的城市競跑和跑酷的特長被選中扮演搜捕隊員的。
- How did you get the part?I got cast to be a Snatcher through my pictures and my ability of free running and parkour. 答:我是通過我的照片還有我的城市競跑和跑酷的特長被選中扮演搜捕隊員的。
- Pressing is usually light and the free run and press fractions are usually combined. 迫切通常而言,新聞的自由和輕餾分通常合併。
- I like the all natural, non-polluted landscapes, free running wild animals in their natural habtats, the amazing grand canion, ..... 旅遊的話就要說喜歡這裡的無污染;自然保護區;野生動物;和各個出名的景點等等.
- The free run and pressed juices are combined and malolactic fermentation spontaneously takes place in the tank. 自由流出的果汁和壓出的果汁混合,蘋果乳酸發酵自然而言的就在灌內發生。
- McMahon now hopes he can enjoy an injury free run and show what he's capable of. 麥克馬洪希望他能夠享受無傷病的困擾,在場上展現了他的能力。
- After one year's failure free running,the satellite fulfill the expectation aim,the OBC do good job as desire,so the design of OBC is safe and reliable. 創新一號星載計算機採用了多項新技術,並經過了一年多的飛行測試驗證,達到了預定的運行目標,星載計算機圓滿完成了各項設計功能,證明了衛星計算機系統的安全可靠。
- In the state archives in Raleigh, North Carolina, he was confined to a tiny separate room and allowed free run of the stacks because the white assistants would not serve him. 可自由使用的也僅是那種塵封已久的書庫,這一切不得不歸因於那名不願受其「差遣」的白人助教。
- go-live 運行的,投入使用的
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 閱讀佔去了我大部分的閑暇時間。
- So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it. 性接觸的渴望協迫性太強,使得人常不顧一切冒死投入,罔顧名譽。
- Free running speed shall be measured (by taking mean of 4 runs) in deep waters and wind conditions not exceeding Beaufort 2 condition. 自由航速的測定在深水水域(4個航次),風力不超過蒲福風級2級。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船員仍然沒有患壞血病之虞。
- Let children close nature and freely run on the lawn.then they will boast sunny temperament and strong physique. 「少一些包辦代替,孩子就多一些的獨立自主;少一些危言聳聽,孩子就有了百折不撓的勇氣」
- He's a fervent believer in free speech. 他是言論自由的強烈信仰者。
- Don't run free on the main street. 別在大街上亂跑。
- Mark, Andreas and Marcus were unable to have a trouble free run this year, I sincerely appreciated them making the effort to come to Pikes Peak and I hope that they are able to return in the future. 馬克,安德烈和馬庫斯無法有一個無故障運行,今年,我衷心感謝他們作出的努力來派克峰,我希望他們能夠在未來的回報。