- lineage tracer 譜系示蹤物
- A diagram showing a family lineage; a family tree. 宗譜一個顯示家庭後裔情況的圖表
- One generation of a specific lineage. 一代家族某種特殊世家的後代
- Direct descent from an ancestor; lineage or pedigree. 家系從一個祖先傳下來的直接世系; 家系或家族
- This solute will be referred to as a tracer. 這種溶質稱為示蹤劑。
- The fluorescent tracer technique is an effective means to detect the residual quantity of water treatment agent. 利用熒光示蹤技術檢測水處理劑的殘留量是一種有效的方法。
- Ishtari: A Pandoran Mockery of the Tammuz Lineage. 源於塔穆茲的屍禍偽系。
- Sebek: A Pandoran Mockery of the Osiris Lineage. 源於奧西里斯的屍禍偽系。
- The tracer becomes increasingly dispersed. 示蹤劑逐漸地擴散。
- She was of aristocratic lineage. 她有貴族的血統。
- She was of (an) aristocratic lineage. 她有貴族的血統。
- Deletes tracer token history information. 刪除跟蹤令牌歷史記錄信息。
- There is a fluorescent lamp hanging in the room. 屋裡吊著一隻熒光燈。
- Identifies a tracer token record. 標識跟蹤令牌記錄。
- He boasted a lineage of pure blue blood. 他誇耀自己有純貴族血統。
- He could trace his lineage back many centuries. 他可以回溯他的家世背景到許多世紀。
- Chemistry To add a tracer to (a compound). 使示蹤:向(一個複合物)加示蹤劑
- Do you use fluorescent lighting? 您使用日光燈嗎?
- See Fluorescent Minerals and Pigments! 觀察熒光顏料和礦石!
- Descent from a common ancestor; parental lineage. 血統;血情;源自於同一祖宗或父母血統