- We plant trees and flowers in spring. 我們在春天種花種樹。
- The road is flanked with trees and flowers. 路的兩旁有花草。
- This is a house surrounded with trees and flowers. 這是花草樹木環繞周圍的房子。
- I'm watering the trees and flowers. 我正在給樹和花澆水。
- The trees and flowers bring the city back to life. 樹木和鮮花使這座城市恢復了生機。
- Along the streets trees and flowers were planted. 沿街種了花木。
- Yes, I see trees and flowers everywhere. 是的,我到處都能看到花和樹。
- We must the trees and flowers in our school. 我們必須護理好我們學校的花草樹木。
- The architect roughed in some trees and flowers to give some idea of how the area would look when the building was finished. 建築師在草圖上劃了些花草樹木,讓人們了解該地區建設好以後將是什麼樣。
- Every one in our school should look after our trees and flowers. 我們學校的每個人都應愛護我們的樹木和花草。
- I once lived in a house with many trees and flowers round it. 我曾經住在一座房子里,周圍有許多樹木和鮮花。
- The hotel is designed with tradition Chinese Garden Style, the zigzag path, flourishing trees and fresh air makes you feel like spring around the whole year. 整體上採用了古典園林式布局,曲徑通幽,綠樹繁蔭,空氣清新宜人,幽雅別緻的景色讓泉賓館四季宜人。
- These gardens ingeniously combine hills, waters, buildings, trees and flowers. 這些園林把山、水、建築和草木巧妙地組合起來。
- Oh, yes. We move animals. We repair buildings. We plant trees and flowers. 哦,有啊。我們把動物遷走,修理大樓,種各種樹木和花草。這是份好活。
- When spring arrives, leaves grow on trees and flowers start to bloom. 春天降臨的時候,樹上長葉子,花也開了。
- We need an experienced gardener to attend to the trees and flowers in the park. 英譯漢:我們需要一位經驗豐富的園丁管理公園裡的樹木和花卉。
- Ponds were dug, embankment was constructed, and trees and flowers were planted. 當中有近華浦和大觀樓、樓外樓、花圃和柏園等遊覽區。
- I made reservoirs to water groves of flourishing trees. 挖造水池,用以澆灌嫩小的樹木。
- Sloths live in trees and move very slowly. 樹獺生活在樹上而且行動緩慢。
- He looked around in the garden.Stones,trees and brooks,grasses and flowers,squirrels,and the wide sky above. 他向花園的四周望了望:石頭、樹木、小溪、青草、鮮花、松鼠和頭上遼闊的天空。