- They fought up for no reason at all. 他們無緣無故就打起來了.
- He goes up in the air for no reason at all. 他常常無緣無故發脾氣。
- He often goes into a temper for no reason at all. 他經常無緣無故地發脾氣。
- He often flies into a temper for no reason at all. 他經常無緣無故地發脾氣。
- He often gets into a temper for no reason at all. 他經常無緣無故地發脾氣。
- He suddenly launched out at me for no reason at all. 他突然無端攻擊我。
- He goes up in the air for no reasons at all. 他無緣無故就發脾氣了。
- They castigated me for no reason at all. 他們無緣無故地大罵我。
- The most frustrating ones seem to occur for no reason at all. 最令人沮喪的似乎是那些「憑空」出現的阻塞。
- His boss often swore at him,sometimes for no reason at all. 老闆經常罵他,有時毫無理由。
- His boss often swore at him, sometimes for no reason at all. 老闆經常罵他,有時是無緣無故。
- The old man often goes into a temper for no reason at all. 這個老頭經常無緣無故地發脾氣。
- Is excuse me long-term for no reason at all has a headache giddily why? ? ! 請問長期無緣無故頭痛眼花是為什麼??!
- Occasionally limb ache. Not be bone, not be nerve, of for no reason at all. 有時候四肢酸痛。不是骨頭,不是神經,無緣無故的。
- Before I met u, I don't know wt it was like that I smile for no reason at all! 理解一下把。。。有句話叫做理解萬歲的。。。。畢竟是你自己同意加的。。。。就要耐心點。。。
- When he woke up at dawn and heard the birds chirping in the trees outside his window, for no reason at all he felt happy, full of inexplicable expectations. 早晨方醒,聽見窗外樹上鳥叫,無理由地高興,無目的地期待,心似乎減輕重量,直長升上去。
- This is especially impressive because,more often than not,I call on the spur of the moment,for no reason at all. 這真是很奇特,因為我常常是突發奇想打電話,並沒有什麼理由。
- Their wages were reduced or held up for no reason. 他們的工資被毫無道理地降低或扣發。
- For no reason at all he remembered Fraser's flushed face and Thimblerigg's giggle. 他毫無理由地記起了弗雷澤的紅漲的面孔和西姆布勒利格的咯咯笑聲。
- Mr Murdstone,David Copperfield's step father did David over for no reason at all. 默德斯通先生,也就是大衛·科波菲爾的繼父,總是無緣無故地把大衛毒打一頓。