- This year on Feburary 11, first trial court makes first instance adjudge to the person of 20 the accused of experience case. 今年2月11日,原審法院對涉案的20名被告人作出一審宣判。
- Query the Supreme Court Acts as the First Trial Court--A Concurrent Analysis of the Perfection of the Grade Jurisdiction of Civil Procedure Law 質疑最高法院作為初審法院--兼論民事訴訟級別管轄的完善
- Fengtai case in the trial court. 此案已在丰台法院開庭審理。
- Some have reached a verdict after the first trial. 一些在一審判決之後定案。
- In the first trial of the man accused of arson, who was found guilty, his counsel filed a bill of exceptions. 這個被指控犯有縱火罪的男人在初審時被判罪名成立,他的律師當庭提出異議。
- He was brought to the trial court because of his criminal actions. 由於他的犯罪行為,他被送到偶爾初審法庭。
- He was brought to the trial court because of his criminal. 由於他的犯罪行為,他被送到了初審法院。
- Request cassation court of second instance in accordance with the law, it did support the appellant's first trial (b) (c) claims. 請求二審法院依法撤銷原判;改判支持上訴人的一審第(二)(三)項訴訟請求.
- He is asking the Sedgwick County trial court to overturn the law. 他要求Sedgwick縣審判法庭推翻該法律。
- Urged by Iraqi leaders to move more swiftly, investigative judges chose instead to include Hussein along with seven aides in the court's first trial. 伊拉克領導人急於速決,因此,在他們的督促下,參與調查的法官在第一場審判中會將海珊和他的七名高官一起開審。
- The trial de novo of a case returned shall be conducted by a newly organized collegiate bench in the trial court in accordance with the procedure of first instance. 發回重審的案件,原審人民法院應當按照第一審程序另行組成合議庭。
- This pre-practice, and the court "set after the first trial," What is the difference between, and officials would have been an informer as a defamation What is the difference? 這種先入為主的做法,與法院「先定后審」有何區別,又與官員向來將舉報人定性為誹謗有有何不同?
- The first trial of the innovation (specially firearm) definitely fail. 第一次試驗新發明(特別是火器)肯定會失敗。
- This is a 82-year-old Ieng Sary's first public appearance, he is to the United Nations in support of the Khmer Rouge crimes trial court to lift pre-trial detention. 這是現年82歲的英薩利首次公開出庭,他是向聯合國支持的紅色高棉罪行審判法庭要求解除審前拘押。
- The Yuzhong District court disclosed today that this courtyard first trial pretends to be the serviceman mooching crime, condemns Deng to imprison for four months. 渝中區法院今天透露,該院一審以冒充軍人招搖撞騙罪,判處鄧拘役四個月。
- The first trial begins today at the International Criminal Court in Hague with former Congolese rebel leader Thomas Lubanga facing charges of war crimes. 第一次審判從今天開始在國際刑事法院在海牙的前剛果反政府武裝領導人托馬斯盧面臨的戰爭罪指控。
- The first trial flight of supersonic airliner Concorde took place at Bristol. 協和"超音速飛機在布里斯托爾首次試飛。
- We were very disappointed with the results from the new car's first trial run. 這輛車在首度試開之後,讓我們非常失望。
- At the beginning of this year, the court first trial recognized accused person Chen Gang commits the being derelict crime, condemns a set term of imprisonment 1 year 6 month. 今年初,法院一審認定被告人陳剛犯玩忽職守罪,判處有期徒刑1年6個月。
- Petit juries serve as the finders of fact for trial courts. 小陪審團承擔為法院查明事實的任務。