- That first spring, Deb noticed the crocuses. 搬進新家的第一年春天,黛比注意到院子的番紅花。
- Is this your first Spring Festival in China? 這是你們第一在這兒過春節嗎?
- Soon we discovered the first spring flowers. 不久我們發現了早春的鮮花。
- Those who survived began sowing in the first spring. 活下來的人開始在第一個春季里播種。
- The first spring rain falling, the soul of our baptism. 春雨的第一次飄落,洗禮著我們的靈魂。
- For three spring months of the light of the sun? 報得三春輝?
- Jessie:I hope so. First spring, and then some nice, hot, summer weather. 潔西:但願如此。一開始是春天,接著就是舒服又熱情的夏天。
- February 8, 2007 -- TAMPA - Kei Igawa is getting an early start to his first spring training with the Yankees. 井川慶提前開始在洋基隊的第一個春訓。
- When the first spring irrigation was postponed to jointing stage, the contribution of SWC to TWC was increased to 50%. 春季第一水推遲至拔節期可提高土壤水消耗量佔總耗水量比例至50%25,土壤水利用率增加;
- During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring. 在第一個冬天,半數以上的移民都死於飢餓和傳染病,活下來的人們在第一個春季開始播種。
- June bearing are ready in the spring, so they are also called spring bearing. But gardeners will not get a crop during the first spring after planting. 六月草莓的成熟季節在春天,所以他們也被稱為「春季草莓」。但是這個品種在被栽種后的第一個春天不會有大的收穫量。
- During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics.Those who survived began sowing in the first spring. 在第一個冬天,半數以上的移民都死於飢餓和傳染病,活下來的人們在第一個春季開始播種。
- When the first spring震響discussion, there are gun shots into the air they have no guns they sounded dustpan or tubs, iron pots and other things. 當第一聲春雷震響討,有槍的人家都朝天鳴槍,無槍的便敲起簸箕或木盆、鐵盆等東西。
- The first day of the month is a public holiday. 這個月的第一天是一個公共假日。
- But how much love has the inch-long grass For three spring months of the light of the sun? 誰言寸草心, 報得三春輝?
- In the first spring of the new century, China's National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference were held ceremoniously. 新世紀第一個春天,海內外矚目的「兩會」隆重召開。
- When the first spring wind flows through, Meilong is a developing hot land. Wind-opon Meilong will provide you excellent chance of development to create glorious achievement. 新世紀的第一縷春風掠過之時,梅隴是一片正在蓬勃發展的熱土。開放的梅隴,將給你提供縱橫捭闔發展的良機,將為你創造奮力搏擊鑄造輝煌業績的機遇。
- The first month of the Moslem calendar. 回曆正月伊斯蘭教曆法中的第一個月
- The first month of the year in the Jewish calendar. 提市黎日猶太教歷中一年的第一個月份
- Typical of eastern waters is the gold-lined sea bream, one of several sea bream whose fry are abundant along the shores of Mirs Bay and are captured in the early spring months to provide a mainstay formariculture. 東面水域常見的魚類有金絲,是該處數種魚之一,其魚苗在大鵬灣沿岸大量出沒,是在早春月份網起作養殖用的主要海魚。