- He is poor without so much as a place to live in. 他窮得連住的地方都沒有。
- Trying to find a place to live is no laughing matter. 找地方住可不是個開玩笑的事。
- I think we should find a place to talk undisturbed. 我認為我們應該找個地方單獨談一談。
- Therefore, poor people will have a place to live in. 因此,窮人就會有地方可以居住。
- It took (us) ages to find a place to park. (我們)找了好半天才找到個停車的地方。
- This is a comfortable place to live in. 這是個舒適的住處。
- As they mastered 1024, they were able to procure a job and find a place to live. 當他們掌握了1024股,他們可以獲得一份工作並找到一個地方住。
- Next was to find a place to live with a bit more permanence and comfort than the YMCA. 下一步,是要找一個比基督青年會(YMCA)更適合長久居住、更舒適的地方。
- Gabriel soon arranged the details of his employment with Bathsheba's farm manager, Benjy Pennyways, and walked on to the village to find a place to live. 蓋伯瑞爾很快就和芭絲謝芭的農場經理賓尼威斯安排妥了有關他受雇的具體細節,然後朝村裡走去找一個住的地主。
- It may be for this reason that ascending initiates will choose to leave the density of the cities and suburbs over time and find a peaceful place to live in the country. 也許正是因為這一原因,提升者將隨時間而選擇離開城市與郊區的緻密,在鄉村找到一個更和平的地方生活。
- I'm really hungry,let's find a place to eat. 我真餓了,讓我們找個地方吃飯吧。
- Many children can't find a place to play. 孩子們找不到地方玩。
- Let me just find a place to park. 讓我找個地方停車。
- As a place to live, Oxford takes some beating. 就居住環境而論,牛津市是個難得的好地方。
- Let's find a place to have a get-together. 咱們找個地方聚聚。
- A place to live in; an abode. 居住地生活於其中的地方; 住所
- As a place to live Oxford takes some beating . 就居住環境而言,牛津是個難得的好地方。
- Found a temporary place to live in school, though I still need to move when the next term starts. 。在學校里給自己找了一個臨時的住處,不過,下學期開始的時候還要再次搬家。
- As a place to live, it left much to be desired. 作為居住的地方,這裡有許多不足之處,但作為改革性的新飛機秘密訓練基地,卻是非常理想的。因為它地處邊陲,人們不易發覺其中的活動。
- However, they found few places to live in Skagway. 然而,他們發現,在斯卡格威沒有可居住的地方。