- She is proficient at / in figure skating. 她精於花樣滑冰。
- June was good at figure skating. 瓊善於花樣滑冰。
- An International Figure Skating Judge. 國際花樣滑冰裁判。
- Figure skating interests me a great deal. 花樣滑冰使我很感興趣。
- Kitze: Do you like watching the figure skating? 你喜歡看花樣滑冰嗎?
- She is an expert at figure skating. 她是花樣滑冰專家。
- She is proficient at/ in figure skating. 她精於花樣滑冰。
- Why did you start figure skating? 是什麼讓你們從事花樣滑冰這項事業?
- Her performance in the figure skating was flawless. 她在花樣滑冰中的表現無可挑剔。
- If you think you can learn to figure skate in one lesson, you're off your trolley. 如果你認為一下子就能學會花樣溜冰,那你就是想入非非了。
- A pointed projection on the front of the blade of a figure skate. 冰刀尖花樣溜冰鞋刀刃前方的尖的突出部分
- The manner in which the feet are used or maneuvered, as in boxing or in figure skating. 步法如在拳擊或花樣滑冰中,使用或移動腳的方法
- In 1952,Albright placed second in women's figure skating at the Olympic Games. 奧爾布賴特在1952年奧運會女子花樣滑冰排名第二。
- Referee scandal in double figure skating games shocked the Winter Olympics. 雙人花式滑冰的裁判醜聞事件曾令冬季奧運會震撼。
- In 1952, Albright placed second in women's figure skating at the Olympic Games. 1952年,她在奧運會上排名第二。
- Events at the winter games include bobsledding, ice hockey, and figure skating. 冬季賽事包括雪橇、冰球和花樣滑冰。
- I have bought ice skates to learn to figure skate. 我買了一雙花樣刀來學習滑冰。
- Her mother, Maribel, had won the U.S figure skating championship nine times. 母親瑪麗貝爾曾九次將美國花樣滑冰冠軍收入囊中。
- But in the subjective sport of figure skating, the difference between gold and silver may not be a spin, but a smile. 但在花樣滑冰這種主觀性較強的體育比賽中,金牌與銀牌的差距也許並不在於一次旋轉,而在於一個微笑。
- A spin in figure skating that is performed in an arabesque or modified arabesque position. 自旋花樣滑冰中的一種自旋運動,其表演方位較為奇異