- We must fight to win the battle. 我們必須打贏這一仗。
- Whilst others fight to win the prize, and sail thro' blood-y seas? 因為獲功勛別人正浴血奮戰在沙
- Frostbite-Enabled Destruction: Watch the beautiful Pacific Islands quickly turn into scarred battlefields as destruction rains upon you and your fellow soldiers as you fight to win the battle! 凍傷啟用銷毀:看到這個美麗的太平洋島嶼變成傷痕纍纍的戰場,毀滅之雨過後你和你的戰友們要努力贏得戰役。
- And now my friends that you have made your decision, I will fight to win that office with all my heart and my soul. 現在,朋友們,你們已經做出了決定,我將全心全意地去鬥爭、去贏得勝利。
- And now my friends that you have made your decision,I will fight to win with all my heart and my soul. 現在,朋友們,你們已經做出了決定,我將全心全意地去鬥爭、去贏得勝利。
- It was snowing hard as I beat through the passes of the great mountains, and I had a stiff fight to win through. 正當我飛越叢山峻岭時,又下起大雪來,我不得不同風雪進行激烈的搏鬥並戰勝它。
- The women's volleyball team put up a desperate fight to win the world championship at all costs. 女子排球隊為贏得世界冠軍而不惜一切代價, 殊死拼搏。
- The firm has to fight off a lot of competition to win the contract. 這家公司得擊敗許多對手才能贏得合同。
- "We know that Vitoria Guimaraes are an excellent team, but we will fight to the end in order to win. 「我們知道吉馬良斯是一支出色的球隊,但是我們會為勝利奮戰到最後一刻。
- The men took heart from their leader's words and went on to win the battle. 人們從領袖的話中得到了鼓勵,繼續為贏得這場戰役而戰。
- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 約翰為征服疾病,進行了不屈的鬥爭。
- Shall I be car-ri-ed toe the skies, on flow'ry beds of ease, Whilst others fight to win the prize, and sail thro' bloody seas? 為獲功勛別人正浴血奮戰 在沙場 我豈能安睡花床夢想 進天堂
- This was a recurrent battle between them. 這是他倆之間經常發生的爭吵。
- Captain showed strong confidence, "no matter what the face of opponents, we definitely have to fight to win, 3 points for us, too important. 隊長顯示出很強的信心,「不管面對哪個對手,我們肯定都要爭取贏球,3分對我們來說太重要了。
- Even though the panda remains one of the world's most popular creatures,the battle to allow this extraordinary animal to continue to live in its natural habitat is one that conservationists are still desperately fighting to win. 無可否認,熊貓是世界上最受歡迎的動物之一。野生動物保護主義者正竭盡全力,以使這種非凡的動物能繼續生活在它們的野生棲息地中。
- That horse is a cinch to win the next race. 那匹馬在下一場比賽中肯定贏。
- Shootout n. A battle between military forces. 戰段:軍隊之間的戰鬥。
- An aerial battle between fighter planes. 空戰戰鬥機的空中戰鬥
- We've got all the nurses with us in our fight to stop closures. 我們竭力反對停業,獲得全體護士的支持。
- He did all he could to win his favor. 他盡其所能去贏得他的好感。