- At fifty years of age he was a miserable old man. 五十歲的時候,他成了一個可憐的老頭。
- By then he was more than fifty years of age. 到那時,他已經五十多歲了。
- The prize was up for grabs to anyone under16 years of age. 任何16歲以下的人都可以參加這場獎品的爭奪。
- The child is six, going on seven years of age. 這個孩子現在六歲,快到七歲了
- The children average seven years of age. 這些孩子平均年齡為7歲。
- Nobody under 18 years of age is allowed in a bar. 任何18歲以下的人都不許進入酒吧。
- One would guess him to be seventy years of age. 人們會以為他有七十歲了。
- At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgement. 20歲我們按意願做事; 30歲我們憑智慧做事; 40歲我們靠判斷做事。
- His father is close on ninety years of age. 他的父親將近九十歲。
- The children average six years of age. 這些孩子平均年齡為6歲。
- The child is six,going on seven years of age. 這個孩子現在六歲,快到七歲了
- He was some fifty years of age, and his popularity was at its height. 他年紀五十上下,聲望也達到了頂點。
- He is close upon ninety years of age . 他和她關係親密。
- They were both only 20 years of age. 他們兩位都只有20歲。
- He was about sixty-five years of age, venerable. 他今年65歲光景,老態龍鍾。
- Are your dad and mom over 65 years of age? 公公婆婆65歲了嗎?
- He is forty years of age and still unmarried. 他已經四十歲,還沒有結婚。
- By then he was more than 50 years of age. 那時他已經50多歲了。
- You must be at least 13 years of age to register. 你必須是登記的至少13歲。
- You need to be over 18 years of age. 你需要年滿18歲!