- The society of old Tibet under feudal serfdom was even more dark and backward than in Europe in the Middle Ages. 舊西藏的封建農奴制社會比歐洲中世紀還要黑暗、落後。
- The long centuries of theocratic rule and feudal serfdom stifled the vitality of Tibetan society, and brought about its decline and decay. 長期政教合一的封建農奴制統治窒息了西藏社會的生機和活力,使西藏社會日益走向沒落和衰敗。
- The serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments. 農奴主以野蠻、殘酷的刑罰維護封建農奴制度。
- Prior to 1959, Tibet had long been a society of feudal serfdom under theocratic rule, a society which was even darker than medieval society in Europe. 1959年之前的西藏是一個比歐洲中世紀還要黑暗、落後的政教合一的封建農奴制社會。
- Before the Democratic Reform of 1959 Tibet had long been a society languishing under a system of feudal serfdom which intertwined politics with religion,a society which was even darker than the European society of the Middle Ages. 西藏在1959年民主改革之前,是一個比歐洲中世紀還要黑暗的政教合一的封建農奴制社會。
- Before the Democratic Reform of 1959 Tibet had long been a society of feudal serfdom under the despotic religion-political rule of lamas and nobles,a society which was darker and more cruel than the European serfdom of the Middle Ages. 1959年民主改革前,西藏長期處於政教合一、僧侶和貴族專政的封建農奴制社會,其黑暗、殘酷比中世紀歐洲的農奴制度有過之而無不及。
- Then they smashed the shackles of the feudal serf system and took their destiny in their own hands. 之後,他們砸爛了封建農奴制的枷鎖,把命運掌握到自己手中。
- For long periods before 1959,however,Tibet had been a society of feudal serfdom characterized by the merging of politics and religion and the dictatorship of the clergy and nobility. 但是,1959年前,西藏長期處於政教合一、僧侶和貴族專政的封建農奴制社會。
- So there was a historically imperative need for the progress of Tibetan society and the happiness of the Tibetan people to expel the imperialists and shake off the yoke of feudal serfdom. 這樣,擺脫帝國主義侵略,打碎封建農奴制的枷鎖,就成了西藏社會進步的歷史必然和西藏人民的迫切願望。
- Despite the cruel rule of the feudal serfdom, Tibetan laboring people never ceased their resistance struggles. 面對封建農奴制度的殘酷統治,西藏勞動人民從未停止過反抗鬥爭。
- For long periods before 1959, however, Tibet had been a society of feudal serfdom characterized by the merging of politics and religion and the dictatorship of the clergy and nobility. 但是,1959年前,西藏長期處於政教合一、僧侶和貴族專政的封建農奴制社會。
- Despite the cruel rule of the feudal serfdom,Tibetan laboring people never ceased their resistance struggles. 面對封建農奴制度的殘酷統治,西藏勞動人民從未停止過反抗鬥爭。
- Plants under the seal serf society system in earth SiZhinei, the corresponding cultural decline is the inevitable fate. 就是說,無論弱勢文化中的個體生命多麼輝煌,但只要他所依附的社會體系已朽壞,在歷史潮流衝擊下,也逃脫不掉如微塵般迸散落下的命運。
- In Tibet, there was for a long time a brutal theocratic system that combined Tibetan Buddhism with a feudal serfdom. 在西藏,藏傳佛教與封建農奴制結合形成的政教合一制度,殘酷野蠻。
- On the Relation between the Feudal Serfdom and the Migration of the Village Labors in the Medieval England. 封建農奴制與英格蘭中古時期農村勞動力轉移
- For more than half a century, Tibet has experienced the historical and fundamental change from serf society to the society with modern civilization. 半個多世紀以來,西藏經歷了從農奴制社會向現代文明社會的歷史性跨越,發生了翻天覆地的變化。
- Tibet later became a local regime practicing a system of feudal serfdom under a theocracy, and ruled by a few upper-class monks and nobles. 由於歷史的原因,西藏後來發展成為一個極少數上層僧侶貴族掌權的政教合一的封建農奴制的地方政權,使得藏傳佛教文化在一個較長的時期內處於西藏文化的主導地位。
- China says it peacefully liberated Tibet and saved its people from feudal serfdom. 中國政府表示,政府和平解放了西藏地區,將西藏人民從舊封建農奴制中解救出來。
- Tibet later became a local regime practicing a system of feudal serfdom under a theocracy,and ruled by a few upper-class monks and nobles. 由於歷史的原因,西藏後來發展成為一個極少數上層僧侶貴族掌權的政教合一的封建農奴制的地方政權,使得藏傳佛教文化在一個較長的時期內處於西藏文化的主導地位。
- The feudal serf system that mingled politics with religion in old Tibet seriously hindered the development of the social productive forces. 在舊西藏,政教合一的封建農奴制度嚴重束縛了社會生產力的發展,西藏的經濟長期處於極其原始、落後的狀態。