- York is the farthest/furthest town. 約克是(離這裡)最遠的城市。
- The citizens of Far Far Away were in jollification. 在他們度完蜜月之後,來自「遙遠國」的欽差來到他們居住的沼澤地。
- The same is not true for a universe far far away. 對於很遠很遠的一個宇宙來說,這個就是真的。
- Father Fred is a farmer in the farther Far East. 弗雷德神父成了遙遠的遠東地區的農夫。
- I suggest you freaks cooperate with the new King of Far Far Away! 我建議你們這些怪物乖乖地跟遙遠王國的新國王合作!
- Far far very near neon as usual in the flicker, but apparently too warm many. 遠遠近近的霓虹依舊在閃爍,可是似乎也溫暖了許多。
- Far far away, no choices passing, no time confounds me and you're still there. 遙遠時候,沒有選擇,無暇慌亂,你依然在我身邊。
- The little mouse move backwards, seeming fearful: move... our house far far away! 老鼠一縮一縮,害怕地說:搬。。。。家,離得遠遠的!
- WTF I just wanna get rid of my sucked-life now and leave this damn place far far away. 我擁有的很多很多也計較的非常非常少了,但是為什麽還是快樂不起來?
- I wished to be the sheepherder far far away, browsed alone, the herd in my heart. 我願做遠到天邊的牧羊人,獨自放牧的,不過自己內心的獸群。
- It was stunning, even the closing ceremony was far far better than the Sydney games, never mind the Athen games. 甚至閉幕式也是遠遠超過了悉尼的閉幕式,雅典的就更別提了!
- It will take that long for the chemistry to jell.....BUT....the team will be FAR FAR stronger once it does Jell... 為了球隊的化學反應最終形成,我會接受這個過程,一旦球隊的化學反應成型,我們會更加的強壯。
- I saw all the lathers fly to the high sky, far far away, disappear in my sight... 我看見到高的天空所有的肥皂泡飛行, 遠的在遠處, 在我的視力中消失。。。
- The news soon spread to the farthest corner. 消息很快傳到最遠的角落。
- Far Far Away's Fairy Tale Villains have fallen under a Humbug Spell, and they are determined to ruin every single holiday for Shrek and his friends. 遠東遙遠的童話下降惡棍下瞞騙法術,他們有決心毀掉每一個假日,怪物史萊克和他的朋友。
- The farthest distance I've run is ten miles. 我跑過的最長的距離是十英里。
- Cinderella is in Far Far Away right now eating bonbons,cavorting with every little last fairy tale creature that has ever done you wrong! 你還記得你是怎麼不能把你的小肥腳塞進那隻小小的玻璃鞋嗎?
- I admit I could not be so far ben as Ivan. 我承認我不能像伊文一樣受到賞識。
- A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...At a desert star - Tatooine, Epical Saga was born, It is Star Wars.. SINCE ... 很久很久以前;浩瀚無際的銀河之中 在一個沙漠星球-Tatooine 誕生了史詩般的傳奇 星際大戰...
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到遠東旅遊的費用高的令人不敢問津。