- farmer' s income increase 新疆
- fainter' s income increase 公共選擇理論
- How much income increased by sideline to this farmer's family? 去年副業使這家農戶增加了多少收入?
- Since enter WTO, agriculture in China is confronted with press of competitiveness more and more seriously, for this block agriculture development and farmer"s income in China. 自從加入WTO之後,我國農業面臨的國際競爭壓力就更大了,這嚴重的阻礙著中國農業的發展,農民的增收。
- Agricultural subsidies absorb about half the EU's income. 農業補貼佔去了歐盟收入的大約一半。
- The chief material of tetrahydrofuran is corncob, so the project can change wastes into valuables, as well as increase peasant』s income. 四氫呋喃生產原料主要是利用玉米芯,變廢為寶,增加農民收入。
- Using the government expenditure for agriculture and rural electricity consumption as explanatory variables, this paper establishes spatial autoregressive models (SAR) for farmer』s income per capita. 本文利用各省財政農業人均支出、農村人均用電量作為解釋變數,建立了農民人均收入空間自回歸(SAR)模型。
- As income increases the demand for a norm good will increase. 隨著消費者收入的增加,一般物品的需求隨之增加。
- After our country joins WTO, the requirement that Guangxi farmer income increases and past photograph compare occurrent major change, increase farmer income to face a lot of complex factors. 我國加入WTO后 ,廣西農民收入增長的條件與過去相比正在發生重大變化 ,增加農民收入面臨許多複雜的因素。
- It is signality for educating new type farmer, accelerating the income increasing of farmer, hastening the continuable development of agriculture and country roundly. 對於培育新型農民,促進農民增收以及全面促進農業、農村可持續發展意義重大。
- Therefore, China"s income margin not confine to economic problem, but also a social problem. 因此,中國的收入差距已不僅僅局限於是經濟問題,而且擴大到一個社會問題。
- To achieve the expected net income increase, we would need to meet the following schedule in the expansion. 為達到預期的增加網路收入,在擴建中我們需要滿足下述日程安排。
- As income increases the demand for an inferior good will decrease. 隨著消費者收入的增加,低等物品的需求隨之降少。
- The multiplier effect magnifies the banker』s income contraction, possibly by a factor of 2. 他目前的收入水平等於前司機的工資,他必須自己開車、打掃房間,放棄按摩。
- N maintains equilibrium between input and output, K2O's input is smal ler than output,but P2O5's income is bigger. 系統養分平衡中N基本保持收支平衡,K2O入不敷出,P2O5輸入大於輸出;
- The economic development and the income increase are the guarantee to make tennis sports popularize. 經濟的發展和收入的增加是網球運動普及的保證。
- Abstract: After derating the burden and tax, how does the family business income increase? 摘要:在「減負免稅」后農民經營性收入如何增長?
- However, the supplement will not raise any worker』s income above what government assistance would provide if he or she were not gainfully employed. 個人認為這個地方說明了有經濟刺激。
- But because of the city country residents' income increase exaltation etc. reason, this year consume the need also appeared mightiness rebound. 但由於城鄉居民收入增幅提高等原因,今年消費需求也出現了強烈反彈。