- A state of ambiguity or obscurity. 含糊不清或者晦澀的狀態
- Division of mankind into workingman and capitalists suffers from the fallacy of simplism. 硬把人類分成工人階級和資本階級就犯了過分簡單化的錯誤。
- He detected the fallacy of her argument. 他發覺她論據中的推理謬誤。
- His speech was a masterpiece of ambiguity. 他的演說極盡含糊籠統。
- This is just a fallacy of equivocation in Logic. = 這個符號在這裡有不同的意義.;硬拗的答案在邏輯學的角度來看;是站不住腳的
- I was able to show the fallacy of his argument. 我能顯示出他辯論中的謬誤。
- I am a person who recognizes the fallacy of humans. 我是一個認識到人類不可救藥的人之一。
- The arguer commits a fallacy of oversimplification. 這段論述犯了過於簡單化的謬誤。
- In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. 面對含糊不清,拒絕誘惑的猜測。
- Perhaps the commonest cause of ambiguity is careless word order. 原譯:也許歧義的最普通的原因是由於粗心導致的詞序。
- Collins had exposed the fallacy of modern aesthetics to me. 科林斯曾經向我揭示過現代美學的謬誤。
- His reply was full of ambiguities. 他的答覆非常曖昧。
- Collines had exposed the fallacy of modern aesthetics to me. 科林斯曾經向我揭示過現代美學的謬誤。
- Their investigation report was full of ambiguities. 她們的調查報告模稜兩可。
- The fallacy of arguing from temporal sequence to a causal relation. 論證時,時間的前後關係與因果關係混淆。
- Her reply was full of ambiguities. 她的答覆句句都是模稜兩可的。
- It is the fallacy of overlooking secondary consequences. 這本身就是忽略種種續發後果的謬誤。
- The fallacies of many arguments are quite obvious. 許多論證的推論錯誤是相當明顯的。
- The quantity of ambiguity and re-strictive condition are in the direct ratio. 歧義的數量與限制條件的數量成正比。
- The fallacies of many arguments are quite obvious . 任何對抽煙不管怎樣是有益的假設都是完全荒謬的。