- 如果你把一根點燃的香煙掉在地上,就有可能引起火災。If you drop a lighted cigarette, you could set off a fire.
- 掉to drop
- 盲人領瞎子,兩個人都要掉在溝里;一盲領眾人,相將入火坑。If the blind leads the blind,both shall fall into the ditch.
- 賣掉surplus
- 刪掉expunge
- 脫掉strip off
- 吃掉knock over
- 老猴子也跑過來一看,也叫起來:"糟啦,月亮掉在井裡頭啦。An elderly monkey comes over. He is very surprised as well and cries out: "The moon is in the well!
- 杯子掉在地上,摔得粉碎。The cup dropped on the floor and smashed into pieces.
- 這串鑰匙當的一聲掉在地上。The bunch of keys came down with a clash.
- 他撲通一聲掉在湖裡。He plunked into the lake.
- 格林先生一想到夾了50英鎊的皮夾子掉在火車上就煩得不得了。Mr.Green was very worried at the thought of&50 that he had put in his pocket book and left on the train.
- 當她聽到這一消息時,手中的杯子一下子滑落掉在了地上。When she heard the news, the cup in her hand slipped down onto the floor.
- 那跌在這石頭上的,必要跌碎;這石頭掉在誰身上,就要把誰砸得粉碎,簸散如糠秕。And he who falls on this stone shall be broken to pieces; but on whomever it falls, it shall crush him to powder and scatter him like chaff.
- 33若有掉在什麼瓦器里的,其中不拘有什麼,就不潔凈,你們要把這瓦器打破。And any earthen vessel into which any of them falls, whatever is in it shall be unclean, and the vessel you shall break.
- 有一天,古德伊爾偶然把一小塊成型像膠掉在爐子上,同時又有一塊硫從他手中滑下。One day, by chance, Goodyear dropped a small piece of molded rubber on to a stove at the same time a piece of sulphur slipped out of his hand.
- 避免重物掉在人造檯面,防止造成難看的凹痕甚至斷裂。Avoid heavy item falling on itcounter tops for preventing ugly scars and even rupture.
- 正當她要開始已準備好的演講時,她的5寸長3寸寬的卡片掉在了地上。As she began to deliver her prepared speech,she dropped her three by five cards on the floor.
- 否則只發號召寫指示,發下去就會像石頭掉在大海里,影子都看不見。Otherwise the calls we make and the directives we issue to lower levels will disappear for ever like a stone dropped into the sea.
- 他雙手直發抖,把箱子弄翻了那性命攸關的書掉在地上。He could not control his hands, and the package fell and the crucial book fell onto the floor.