- fail safe test 破損安全試驗
- It is becoming accepted practice that jet aircraft must "fail safe". 噴氣式飛機必須有故障安全裝置,這已經逐漸成為公認的常規。
- To edit test procedure and program. 編寫測試程序.
- The overall intent is not to provide test procedure manual. 總的意圖不是提供測試過程細則。
- After binding of the DSSS Module and Receiver, you can set the Throttle Fail Safe feature. 經過約束力的擴頻模塊和接收器,您可以設置節氣門故障安全功能。
- Develop the safety interlock detailed test procedure. 編寫安全連鎖系統系統測試規程。
- Click the button on the form to call the test procedure. 單擊窗體上的按鈕以調用測試過程。
- Cylinder actuators can be provided with manual overrides for emergency valve actuation, fail safe mode and other accessories. 缸體執行機構可以配置針對緊急狀態下的手動過載裝置,閥門驅動,故障安全功能和其它附件。
- Test units according to standard Calmar test procedure. 根據康茂公司標準測試程序進行測試。
- Wayside ATP computing unit, CBI computing unit and carborne ATP computing unit are all based on the same fail safe architecture. 軌旁ATP計算單元,CBI計算單元和車載ATP計算單元全部是基於相同的故障安全體系架構。
- The test procedure reuses the internal beacon function of the RAP. 檢測程序重複使用RAP的內部應答器功能。
- EVC European Vital Computer. The trainborne, fail safe, ETCS computer. Calculates the speed profiles and supervises the train accordingly. 歐洲安全計算機歐洲安全計算機。車載設備,故障安全的ETCS計算機。計算速度曲線並監督列車運行。
- COM test procedure, in LINUX environment to run the test program. COM測試程序,在LINUX環境下運行該測試程序。
- The main component of the communications system is a fail safe fiber optic backbone known as an OTN (Open Transport Network). 該通信系統的主要構成是一個自動防故障的光纖高速鏈路,稱為開放式運輸網路(OTN)。
- SAA7113 code on the IIC test procedure can be used as reference. 關於SAA7113的IIC代碼測試程序,可以作為參考。
- The normal air line used to transport plant air to the Red Valve is repiped through the fail safe pilot valve or solenoid valve. 用來傳輸主氣源到美國紅閥公司閥門的普通輸氣管道重新連接到故障安全導閥或電磁閥上。
- The Device has integrated over-current protection,over-temperature protection and UVLO (Under Voltage Lockout) to provide for a fail safe solution with no external components. 這個器件集成了過流保護、過溫保護和U掉壓關斷的功能,可以不需外轉器件實現保護解決方案。
- Is there a written product testing procedure? 投保人是否有書面產品測試程序?
- The safe testing of motocycle headlamps is an important factor of safe driving. 摘要摩托車前照燈的安全檢測是保障行車安全的一個重要因素。
- A: Each state has its own test procedures. 每個州有他們自己的考試程序。