- The population was still exploding. 人口仍在迅猛增長。
- A mechanism in a firearm for exploding the charge. 槍機火器中的機械裝置,用於引爆火藥
- Separate the reflector from the rear bumper . 從保險桿分離反射鏡。
- Bombs were exploding all around the city. 城裡到處都響起炸彈的爆炸聲。
- Photo reflector, NPN transistor output. 功能描述: Opto interrupter module.
- Shells were bursting (= exploding)all around us. 炮彈在我們四周爆炸。
- Reflector: Get the secret inside .NET assemblies. 如何得到某集合的所有子集合?
- Keep back! The fir works are exploding! 閃開!花炮快要炸響了!
- Freeform Reflector for Uniform Illumination[J]. 引用該論文 丁毅;顧培夫.
- Keep back!The fireworks are exploding. 別上前!爆竹快要炸響了。
- Its bombs exploding at it hit the ground. 飛機墜毀了,它攜帶的炸彈在它觸地的同時爆炸了。
- Exploding Tourism Eroding China's Riches. 激增的旅遊業正在侵蝕中國財富。
- Is there any risk of the bomb exploding? 這個炸彈有爆炸的危險嗎?
- CLAY: Whoa! My brain is exploding! Whoa! 哇!我的腦子都要炸了!哇!
- Keep back! The firecrackers are exploding. 退後!爆竹快要爆炸了。
- Keep back! The fireworks are exploding. 別上前!爆竹快要炸響了。
- Keep back!The firecrackers are exploding. 退後!爆竹快要爆炸了。
- The sound of an exploding shell. 爆炸聲炮彈的爆炸聲
- The reflection involves only a point on the reflector. 反射涉及到的只是反射面上的一個點。
- On youtube search Exploding Elmo Death. beejay99 發起了一個話題: Videos.