- n. 經驗;經歷
- v. 經歷;體驗;感受
- 經歷,閱歷,見識,世面,所見所聞
- 經驗,體驗,感受,體會,實踐
- 【宗】靈性的感受
- 事,事實
- 傳統
- 親身經歷,親自參加的活動
- 親身經歷時期
- 從親身經歷中得到的知識、技能或經驗
- 體驗,感受,經歷,體會
- 遭受,經受
- 知道,發現,認識
- 感(受)到,覺得
- 有…的經驗
- [U]經驗 knowledge or skill which comes from practice in an activity or doing sth for a long time rather than from books
- [C]經歷,閱歷 sth that happens to one; event or activity that affects one in some way
- [P]感受 an effect on the mind and feelings
- vt. 經歷,體驗,感受,遭受 have experience of; feel; meet with
the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities;
"a man of experience"
"experience is the best teacher"
the content of direct observation or participation in an event;
"he had a religious experience"
"he recalled the experience vividly"
an event as apprehended;
"a surprising experience"
"that painful experience certainly got our attention"
go or live through;
"We had many trials to go through"
"he saw action in Viet Nam"
have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations;
"I know the feeling!"
"have you ever known hunger?"
"I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict"
"The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"
"I lived through two divorces"
go through (mental or physical states or experiences);
"get an idea"
"experience vertigo"
"get nauseous"
"receive injuries"
"have a feeling"
undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind;
"She felt resentful"
"He felt regret"
"The stocks had a fast run-up"
- He has had no previous experience in this kind of job.
他從前沒有做這種工作的經驗。 - I know from my own experience how difficult the work can be.
從我自己的經驗我明白這項工作會有多難。 - I had a singular experience in Africa.
我在非洲時有過一次奇特的經歷。 - The shipwreck was a harrowing experience.
- You will experience a dream of fantasy.
你將會經歷一個夢幻之旅。 - Today I'm going to experience the slide activities.
今天我要體驗一下滑行項目。 - He experienced a pang of sadness.
- by experience
通過經驗… through experience
- experience in
…的經驗〔經歷〕 experience from sth or doing sth
experience in sthThey have rich experience in practice.
It is a common experience in life.
He has sound experience in commercial correspondence.
experience (in) v-ingThe fire department has vast experience fighting brush fire.
He has much experience in training footballers.
He has much experience in teaching English.
His experience in gambling houses and brothels was drawn on in his spy career.
- from experience
從經驗中… by way of experience
- knowledge and experience
有見識 having knowledge and having experience
- of experience
有經驗的 experienced
- experience at (v.+prep.)
有…經驗 have experience in sth
be experienced at sth/v-ingShe is not yet experienced at love affairs.
She is not yet experienced at teaching.
- accumulate experience 積累經驗
- achieve experience 獲得經驗
- acquire experience 獲得經驗
- add to one's experience 增長經驗
- afford experience 提供經驗
- analyze experience 分析經驗
- attain experience 得到經驗
- bear the experience in mind 牢記經驗
- detail one's experiences 述說經歷
- exaggerate experience 誇大經歷
- face experience 面對經歷
- forget experience 忘記經歷
- gain experience 獲得經驗
- gather experience 獲得經驗
- get experience 獲得經驗
- have experience 有經驗
- improve one's experience 增進經驗
- know by experience 從經驗中懂得
- know from experience 從經驗中學到
- know through experience 從經驗中懂得
- lack experience 缺乏經驗
- learn from experience 從經驗中學到
- live one's experience 體驗某人的感受
- narrate experience 敘說經歷
- pass on one's experience 介紹經驗
- review a experience 回顧經歷
- seek an experience 摸索經驗
- speak from experience 憑經驗來說
- use experience 利用經驗
- bitter experience 痛苦的經歷
- broad experience 廣泛的閱歷
- common experience 共同的經歷
- daily experience 日常經歷,平時體會
- direct experience 直接經驗
- dreamy experience 理想的經驗
- dull experience 枯燥乏味的經歷
- early experience 早期的經驗
- enormous experience 大量的經驗
- enough experience 足夠的經驗
- expensive experience 寶貴的經驗,高價換取的經驗
- extensive experience 廣泛的經驗
- fatal experience 不幸的經歷
- financial experience 財政經驗
- firsthand experience 直接體驗
- funny experience 有趣的經歷
- glorious experience 令人愉快的經歷
- good experience 有益的經歷
- gradual experience 逐步的經驗
- hands-on experience 親身經歷
- hard experience 艱難的遭遇
- hereditary experience 遺傳的經驗
- indirect experience 間接經驗
- inductive experience 感人的經驗
- industrial experience 工業經驗
- infallible experience 確實可靠的經驗
- intellectual experience 理智的經驗
- intensive experience 強烈的感受
- interesting experience 有趣的經歷
- large experience 豐富的經驗
- long experience 長期的經驗
- major experience 主要經驗
- manifest experience 明顯的經驗
- memorable experience 難忘的經歷
- military experience 軍事經驗
- mystical experience 隱秘的經歷
- nasty experience 令人不快的經歷
- new experience 新的經歷
- odd experience 蹊蹺的經歷
- painful experience 痛苦的經驗
- peculiar experiences 奇特的經歷
- personal experience 親身經歷
- pleasant experiences 愉快的經歷
- practical experience 實踐經驗
- private experience 個人經驗
- recent experience 最近的經歷
- rich experience 豐富的經驗
- ripe experience 成熟的經驗
- rough experience 艱難的經歷
- sad experience 悲慘的經歷
- sweet experience 甜蜜的經歷
- trying experience 痛苦的經歷
- unusual experience 不尋常的經歷
- valuable experience 有價值的經驗
- various experiences 種種經驗
- wide experience 廣泛的閱歷
- learning experience 學習經驗
- teaching experience 教學經驗
- work experience 工作經驗
- according to one's experience 根據經驗
- by experience 憑經驗
- from experience 憑經驗
- in sb's experience 在某人的經驗中
- a great deal of experience 豐富的經驗
- experience in commercial correspondence 商業通信方面的經驗
- experience in life 生活中的經歷
- experience in practice 實踐經驗
- experience in teaching 教學經驗
- experience of teaching 教學經驗
- experience a feeling of great relief 感到巨大的安慰
- experience a joy in helping others in trouble 領受到幫助困難的人之後的快樂
- experience a lot of difficulties 經歷許多困難
- experience a reform 經歷改革
- experience a revolution 經歷變革
- experience a sudden sensation of distress 突然感到一陣悲哀
- experience change 發生變化
- experience chill 感到冷淡
- experience great changes 經歷巨大變化
- experience hardship 經歷艱苦
- experience imperialist oppression 遭受帝國主義壓迫
- experience incidents 經歷事故
- experience life 體驗生活
- experience nausea 感到噁心
- experience pain 遭受痛苦
- experience pleasure 感到快樂
- experience prejudice 體驗到受偏見
- experience rudeness 遇到粗魯無禮的待遇
- experience sadness 感到悲傷
- experience sense of beauty 體驗到美感
- experience the death 經歷死亡
- experience the impact of poetry 體驗詩的感染力
- experience the similar problems 經歷類似的問題
- experience untold sufferings 遭受了無數的苦難
- experience accidentally 意外地經歷
- experience colorfully 經歷豐富
- experience deplorably 可悲地經歷
- experience disgracefully 可恥地經歷
- experience dismally 慘淡地經歷
- experience drably 單調乏味地經歷
- experience drolly 滑稽地經歷
- experience exhilaratingly 令人興奮地感到
- experience fatally 致命地經歷
- experience fatefully 重大地經歷
- experience gloriously 光彩地經歷
- experience intellectually 智力方面經歷
- experience manifestly 顯而易見地經歷
- experience mystically 秘密地經歷
- experience privately 私自經歷
- experience professionally 專門經歷
- experience profoundly 豐富地經歷
- experience spiritually 精神經歷
- experience strangely 奇怪地經歷
- experience tediously 枯燥乏味地經歷
- experience tragically 悲劇性地經歷
- experience variously 不同地經歷
Make Experience of my loyalty, by some service.
出自: J. Shirley -
The hottest weather I ever experienced.
出自: Sir W. Scott -
Free-will cannot be debated but only experienced, like a colour or the taste of potatoes.
出自: W. Golding -
I experienced an almost hysterical elation.
出自: D. Murphy -
The most..peaceful sleep that I had experienced for a long time.
出自: I. Murdoch