- Which attack monopoly and encourage competition. 攻擊壟斷並鼓勵競爭的。
- Buildup the ruins and encourage the downtrodden. 加強你的力量,重建這些廢墟,鼓勵受踐踏者。
- They understand and encourage me. 他們了解我、鼓勵我。
- They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. 他們給你歡笑,給你走向成功的鼓勵;
- Paul feels it necessary to write again to Timothy, to offer exhortation and encouragement to his beloved son in the faith. 保羅感覺在這個時候非常有必要給提摩太寫封信,鼓勵他,勸誡他保守信仰。
- The students help each other and encourage each other. 學生們互相幫助,互相砥礪。
- Every manager must motivate and encourage his employees. 每個管理者都必須激勵和鼓勵他的僱員。
- Advise and encourage participation in regular physical activity. 建議和鼓勵患者參加常規的體力活動。
- We thank many listeners who write to us and encourage us. 很感謝有不少聽友寫信來給我們,鼓勵我們。
- Reduce homework and encourage to practice in society. 減少作業量,鼓勵學生到社會上實踐。
- And how can we all emulate and encourage that behavior? 我們如何去效仿和激勵這些行為?」
- We should give help and encourage the weak, not criticism. 對弱者我們應該給予幫助和鼓勵,而不是批評。
- To speak for God; God speaking to His people to edify, exhort and comfort. 為神說話,神對他的子民說話為了造就,勸勉,安慰。
- He has been criticized on one hand and encouraged on the other. 他一方面受到批評,另一方面卻受到鼓勵。
- Connect citizens and government and encourage citizen participation. 溝通市民和政府,鼓勵市民參與。
- These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you. 多2:15這些事你要講明、戒人、各等權柄責備人。不可叫人輕看你。
- These things speak, and exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee. 你要宣講這些事,以全權規勸和指摘,不要讓任何人輕視你。
- In addition, many toys that are advertised are silly and encourage violence. 另外,很多廣告中的玩具是愚蠢的,且鼓勵暴力。
- These things speak, and exhort and convict with all authority. Let no one despise you. 這些事你要講說,也要用各等權柄勸勉人、責備人;不可叫人輕看你。
- She is often praised and encouraged by the teacher. 她經常受到老師的嘉勉。