- He has an unique technique for ED prospermia. 對陽痿、早泄等男性性功能障礙的治療有一整套獨特方法。
- He has an unique technique for ED and prospermia. 對陽痿、早泄等男性性功能障礙的治療有一整套獨特方法。
- With no successor, this unique technique is difficult to preserve and maintain. 這些絕活後繼無人,很難存續下去了。
- With no successor, this unique technique is difficult to preserve and pass on. 這種絕活後繼無人,很難存延了。
- Jingdezhen porcelain, made with a unique technique, is well-known far and near as a superfine product. 景德鎮瓷器以其獨特的製作工藝而成遐邇聞名的精品。
- It is super capacity. Some unique technique of rice-cooling can mill the rice low-temperature and little broken. The technical performance is steadier. 超大產量,多項獨特的涼米技術造就碾米低溫升,碎米少,性能穩定。
- Ceramics by Changsha Kiln is an unique technique of glaze colorful ceramics, which developed from such factors as Tang-dynasty trio colored glazed pottery. 摘要唐代長沙窯陶瓷是在岳州窯基礎上受唐三彩等中外因素影響而逐漸發展形成的一種獨具特色的釉下彩陶瓷工藝。
- Moreover the personage series utilizes the unique technique of curling eyebrows and beards to present facial feature's vitality. 人物系列更以獨創的鬚眉捲曲技法,呈現眉宇間十足的生命力;
- A unique technique has been developed for fault diagnostics of internal combustion engines by flywheel speed fluctuations and neural networks. 提出了一種基於飛輪轉速波動信號結合神經網路進行內燃機失火故障診斷的方法。
- It uses a unique technique that allows even novices to remove the so-called "JPEG artifacts" and the "blotchy look" from their images easily, quickly and effectively. 它使用獨特技術允許甚至新手從他們的圖像移除被稱做「JPEG人工製品」和「污點外觀」的東西,輕鬆,迅捷並高效。
- Will be natural granite and marble features eclectic, officially to the unique technique to create three-dimensional pictorial effect of the granite and luxurious connotations. 將天然花崗石和大理石的特點兼收並蓄,以出神入化的獨特技術工藝造就出花崗石的三維圖案效果及華貴內涵。
- Tussah silk fabric has special style and unique technique, as well as deep & longcultural influence, which can not be substitute by other textile materials. 柞蠶絲綢產品風格獨特,加工技術特殊,文化影響意義深遠,是其他紡織品不可替代的。
- Boxing is mainly legs law, supplemented by practices, structural clarity, the unique technique, highlighted by the elbow. Is is the unique set of circ-umstances with the Chinese Boxing routines. 脫銬拳法以腿法為主,手法為輔,結構清晰,技法獨特,突出實戰,是一套帶有情節的別具一格的拳術套路。
- Against the above, in Maple Leaf's new infrared detector, using some unique techniques to solve such problems. 針對以上情況,楓葉公司的新一帶紅外探頭、採用一些獨特的技術來解決此類問題。
- After establishing the strategic partnership of CTTL and Spreadtrum, both will coordinate their unique techniques and advantages to cooperate on new technical hot projects. 泰爾與展訊建立戰略合作關係后,雙方將整合各自的技術優勢,圍繞新的技術熱點開展交流與合作。」
- Some unique techniques such as endolysis, enzymolysis and deodorization were used in the manufacturing in order to obatin nutritional product with good seafood and enhanced taste. 以牡蠣鮮肉為原料,經組織自溶、中性酶水解、脫腥、調配處理等工藝製得。該產品保留了牡蠣的營養成分和特有的風味和鮮味。
- The matter will be given our exclusive attention. 此事將引起我們的全部關注。
- The elephant's trunk is a unique form of appendage. 象的鼻子是一種獨特的附肢。
- The ship has a crew of 57 exclusive of officers. 這船上除高級船員外,有57名普通船員。
- He's caught the unique opportunity. 他抓住了那唯一的機會。