- I wish to know the exact details about the after sale service. 希望告知售後服務的具體事宜。
- He did not know the inside story. 他不了解內幕。
- The exact details of this "supplementary" human genome are, however, unknown. 然而,人類基因的「補充部分」的具體情況現在還處於未知狀態。
- An Inside Story Of An Upstart II. 暴發戶秘史2。
- He didn't know the inside story. 他不了解內幕。
- You don't know the inside story. 你不曉得內中的奧秘。
- He alone knows the inside story. 就他一個人知道這事的內情。
- The whole thing is jumbled up in my memory and I can't give you exact details of it. 整個事件在我的記憶中已經雜亂無章,確切的詳細情況我說不上來了。
- The exact details of the formula must remain vague, however, in order to limit gaming or other attempts to defraud the system. 這個公式的準確細節一定是模糊的,無論如何,就是為了限制賭博或者其他欺騙系統的嘗試也得這樣。
- For exact details of the availability of the MINI Cabrio in your country, please contact your MINI dealer. 關於mini Cabrio在貴國開始投放市場的具體細節,請聯繫所在國的mini經銷商。
- We don't know the exact details of this company. Don't sign the contract too quickly. 我們還不了解這家公司的底里,先不要貿然簽約。
- Do not talk irresponsibly if you do not know the inside story. 不知內里的情形不要瞎說。
- Don't talk irresponsibly if you don't know the inside story. 不知內里的情形不要瞎說。
- The education department decides on general teaching policies, but the exact details are left to the individual schools. 教育部門確定總的教育方針,但確切的細節留待各個學校自己處理。
- "Speculation about precisely where Cornet Wales will serve, or the exact details of his role, is potentially dangerous," the joint statement said. 聯合聲明表示,「任何關於王子征戰的具體地點和職位的相關細節揣測都會給可能帶來危險。」
- In researching this the inestigators found cases of similar errors at other cancer centres outside of Alberta, but gae no exact details. 調查人員在對此次案例進行調查時發現,在其它省的癌症中心也曾出現類似錯誤,但具體不詳。
- Useful stuff, but the exact details involve a lot of memorization and a lot of tedium that you don't normally need as a programmer. 是些有用的東西,但是實際細節卻包含大量的記憶量並且枯燥,作為一個程序員來說根本不需要這些。
- I will send you later the inside story of the fighting with the Bismarck. 我以後再告訴你關於同「俾斯麥」號戰鬥的秘密情況。
- The BoJ will initiate plans to make it simpler for firms to acquire funding, with exact details to be decided at today's meeting. 日本央行將著手計劃,使其企業獲得資金的程序更為簡單,具體細節尚待今天會議的決定。
- The always have startling inside stories to reveal. 他們總是又驚人的內幕披露。