- Their speculative buying of grain is illegal. 他們投機購買穀物是不合法的。
- Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests. 儲存的穀物經常受到害蟲的破壞。
- Even the plot which had been considered too salty ever to grow anything on brought in a thousand jin of grain last year. 就連那塊被認為是不能種什麼東西的鹽鹼地,去年也戶了一千斤糧食。
- He hiked up a sack of grain on his shoulder. 他把一袋糧食舉上肩。
- The price of grain climbed back. 糧價逐漸回升了。
- The barn will store five tons of grain. 這個穀倉能放五噸糧食。
- Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables. 他們的飲食主要是穀類和蔬菜。
- Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests, especially rats. 儲存的 物經常受損壞,尤其是老鼠為患最甚。
- The price of grain slightly oscillated last year. 去年的穀物價格略有波動。
- The hen scratched up a few sands of grain . 母雞覓到了幾粒米。
- This year we gathered a rich harvest of grain. 今年我們的糧食豐收了。
- This donkey can carry two sacks of grain. 這頭驢能馱兩袋糧食。
- This donkey can carry three sacks of grain. 這頭驢子能馱三袋糧食。
- Entrepreneurs are initiators, organizers, users and spreader of innovations. 企業家是創新活動的倡導者、組織者、成果採用和推廣者。
- The truck was loaded with big sacks of grain. 這輛卡車裝著許多大袋的穀物。
- The hen scratched up a few sands of grain. 母雞覓到了幾粒米。
- The soup was a mash of grain and vegetables. 那是用糧食和蔬菜做成的濃湯。
- There is a shortage of grain because of poor crops. 由於收成不好而出現糧食短缺。
- We will devote ourselves to acting as a leader and spreader of the wine culture in China. 公司致力於成為中國葡萄酒市場和文化全方位的領導者和傳播者。
- Our country has kept a lot of grain in reserve. 我們國家糧食儲存充裕。