- Intact human skin function is a highly efficient barrier to the evaporative loss of water and heat. 完整的皮膚是水和熱的蒸發性喪失的高效屏障。
- Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Greases over Wide-Temperature Range, Method of Test for (05. 寬溫度範圍下潤滑脂蒸發損耗的試驗方法(05。
- This article discusses the causes of evaporation loss and advances the measures for reducing evaporation loss in ground vertical oil tank. 論述油品蒸發損耗產生的原因,提出蒸氣降低地面立式油罐蒸發損耗的措施。
- Evapotranspiration is the combination of water loss through atmospheric evaporation, coupled with the evaporative loss of water through the life processes of plants. 土壤水分蒸發蒸騰損失總量是水通過大氣蒸發損失的總和,結合通過植物生命過程蒸發損失。
- The results showed that the evaporation loss rate of Al in Ti 48at%Al melt at 2000K is 50 times as large as that of Ti,namely Al will have its preference of evaporation. 結果表明,2000K時,Ti?48at%25Al熔體中鋁的揮發速率是鈦揮發速率的50倍左右,即鋁優先揮發。
- As the result of evaporation loss,oil will be less in quantity and lower in quality,and the dispersing oil vapor will result in air pollution and potential fire hazard. 油品蒸發損耗不僅造成油品數量的減少、質量的下降,散失到大氣中的油蒸汽造成了空氣污染,而且還形成了潛在的火災危險。
- This oil possesses characteristics of high viscosity, high flash point, low ash, low residual carbon and low evaporation loss, so as to meet the requirements of users. 該油具有高粘度、高閃點、低灰分、低殘炭、低蒸發損失等特點,可滿足用戶需要,具備生產條件。
- A vessel used for boiling and evaporating liquids. 蒸發皿用來煮沸或蒸發液體的器皿
- I commiserate with you on the loss of your mother. 你母親逝世,我特向你慰問。
- How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss? 我們怎樣才能使他不再想到她可悲的損失?
- The loss of all his money embitter the old man. 失去全部的錢,使這位老人甚為痛苦。
- Abstract The purpose of vacuum melting is to minimize the pollution of interstitial element on TiAl intermetallics,but the evaporation loss of Al in TiAl alloy melt in a vacuum will have influence on the composition of TiAl intermetallic melt. 真空熔煉的目的是避免間隙元素對TiAl金屬間化合物的污染。 但在真空下,由於鈦鋁合金熔體中鋁的揮發損失將影響金屬間化合物成分的準確度。
- The loss of the ball game stir up much feeling. 球賽輸了引起了極大的憤慨。
- The ship was wrecked and became a total loss. 船隻失事,一切都損失了。
- It can be quicky cured and resisted high temperature for class H in a short curing time and low evaporation losses. 它耐高溫達到H級,固化速度快,貯存周期長,揮發率低。
- The insurance company will recompense his loss. 保險公司將賠償他的損失。
- His death is a lamentable loss of our work. 他的死對我們的工作來說是令人悲痛的損失。
- Loss of pressure had not registered on the dials. 刻度盤未記錄壓力下降。
- The extremely low evaporates losses for high temperature, the emission of making the waste gas hit the particulate matter reduces greatly. 極低的高溫蒸發損失,使廢氣中顆粒物的排放量大大減少。