- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone produced and secreted by syncytiontrophoblast, which plays a central role in the establishment of pregnancy. 人絨毛膜促性腺激素(human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG)是由胎盤合體滋養層細胞合成和分泌的糖蛋白激素,在妊娠早期起促進胚泡發育、維持妊娠的作用。
- Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone produced and secreted by syncytial trophoblast, which plays a central role in the establishment of pregnancy. 人絨毛膜促性腺激素(human chorionic gonadotropin,hCG)是由胎盤滋養層合體細胞合成和分泌的一種糖蛋白激素,在早期妊娠中起促進胚泡發育、維持妊娠的作用。
- The establishment of that school took five years. 興建那所學校花了五年的時間。
- The first trimester of pregnancy. 妊娠的頭三個月
- What are the effects of pregnancy? 懷孕有什麼癥狀?
- Capacitation of acrosome; Process of pregnancy. 精子獲能;妊娠的過程。
- British colonialism led to the establishment of a large empire. 英國的殖民主義成就了幅員遼闊的大英帝國。
- Many myths surround the mysteries of pregnancy. 圍繞著懷孕的種種現象有許多神話。
- The mother had toxemia of pregnancy. 譯文:該孕婦曾患妊娠毒血症。
- They went cahoots in the establishment of the firm. 他們合夥開了這間公司。
- The establishment of a corporation's existence. 公司法則公司賴以存在的法則
- To reach the stage of pregnancy when the fetus can be felt to move. 胎兒蠕動達到可以感覺到胎兒活動的懷孕階段
- Do you support the establishment of no-take zone? 你贊成設立禁捕區嗎?
- Mind, you are now at the end of your third month of pregnancy. 注意,你現在懷孕將近三個月了。
- Establishment of a World of Warcraft Account. 魔獸世界帳戶的創立。
- Some women experience morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy. 有些婦女在懷孕的頭三個月里,早上有噁心感。
- Establishment of that school took five years. 興建那所學校花了五年的時間。
- Persistent application could effectively fade striae of pregnancy. 長期使用可以有效地淡化妊娠紋。
- For the establishment of business relations. 為了建立業務關係。
- Gluteofemoral Erythema of Pregnancy: A new Dermatosis of Pregnancy? 妊娠股臀紅斑:一種新的妊娠皮膚病?