Since he escaped from gaol, Tom has been living on a razor's edge, terrified of recapture. 湯姆越獄后,時時如驚弓之鳥,生怕再次被捕。
The tiger escaped from the zoo and ran amok for hours. 老虎逃出了動物園,張牙舞爪亂竄了幾小時。
The prisoners closely guarded escaped from the prison last night. 被嚴密監視的這些囚犯昨夜越獄了。
No prisoner escaped from the prison without being seen. 沒有一個囚犯逃離這個監獄而不被看到。
They escaped from the war zone. 他們逃出了交戰區。
The movie cowboy was out the frying pan into the fire. After be escaped from robbers, he was captured by Indians. 電影中的那個牛仔真是才脫小難又遭大災,他剛從強盜手中逃脫卻又被印地安人抓住。
Gas escaped from the pipe. 氣體從管子里逸出。
Garfield is a slippery customer; he's twice escaped from police custody. 加菲爾德是個狡猾的傢伙,兩次逃脫警察的拘捕。