positive recurrent aperiodic state of stochastic systems; tending in probability to a limiting form that is independent of the initial conditions
用作形容詞 (adj.)
The distribution of inhomogeneous thermo-emf along the copper-iron thermoelectrode is described as a stationary ergodic random process. 不均勻熱電勢沿銅鐵合金熱電極長度上的分佈可描述為各態歷經的平穩的隨機過程。
The authors discuss the existence of ergodic solutions of some integ. 在遍歷性的假設條件下討論了一類積分方程遍歷性解的存在性。
In researching recurrent Qprocess and ergodic Qprocess for Markov processes, studying the invariant measure is very important for Markov chains. 馬爾可夫鏈的不變測度在馬爾可夫過程的常返性和遍歷性的研究中具有十分重要的地位。