- The launch vehicle lifts the satellite into orbit. 太空火箭將人造衛星送入運行軌道。
- Responsible for the launch vehicle BOM maintenance. 負責量產車型零件清單維護;
- It is the weight and volume of the payload that have a profound influence on the size of the launching vehicle necessary to put payloads into orbit. 正是有效載荷的重量和體積,對送它入軌道的必要運載工具的大小,有著深刻的影響。
- The US side also made an analysis of the causes leading to the launch vehicle and satellite failure. 美方也對運載火箭和衛星進行了故障分析。
- The Long March launch vehicle series has 12 types.They can be used in launching satellites of LEO, SSO and GTO. 目前已形成了包括12種火箭在內的長征系列火箭群體,可用於發射近地軌道、太陽同步軌道和地球同步轉移軌道的多種衛星;
- Located atop the S-IVB, which is the third stage of the Saturn V, is the guidance and control equipment for the launch vehicle. 安裝在「土星V」第三級S-IVB頂部的是發射飛行器的導航和控制設備。
- Many early launch vehicle s were derived from intercontinental Ballistic missiles. 早期的運載火箭有許多原來是為洲際彈道飛彈而研製的。
- A heavily reinforced building used for launch operations of missiles and space launch vehicles. 火箭發射防護室用於發射導彈和太空飛行器的牢固建築物
- The orbiter lifts off vertically like an expendable launch vehicle But makes an unpowered descent similar to a glider. 飛行器像可耗盡的發動工具一樣垂直發射升空,但以類似滑翔機的無動力方式降落。
- Pyroshock has biggish influence on missiles and launch vehicles. 爆炸衝擊環境對航天器具有較大的影響。
- Launch vehicle: Rocket system that boosts a spacecraft into Earth orbit or beyond Earth's gravitational pull. 運載火箭:將航天器推入繞地球軌道或脫離地球引力範圍的火箭系統。
- Design and analysis of thermal protection systems (TPS) is one of key technologies of reusable launch vehicle (RLV). 介紹了一種在設計金屬熱防護系統中計算纖維隔熱材料厚度的方法。
- Key Words Recoverable launch vehicle,Single stage to orbit vehicle,Reentry trajectory. 主題詞重複使用運載火箭,單級入軌運載器,再入彈道。
- Abstract: Discussed the transfer function between loaded and unloaded servomechanism of launch vehicle. 文摘:討論了伺服機構負載特性與無發動機空載特性和有發動機空載特性間的轉換關係。
- Discussed the transfer function between loaded and unloaded servomechanism of launch vehicle. 討論了伺服機構負載特性與無發動機空載特性和有發動機空載特性間的轉換關係。
- Responsible for the launch vehicle production and marketing difficult issue analysis and design issue resolving. 負責量產車型的生產、售後疑難問題的分析並解決設計問題。
- The launch vehicle is to gradually seize the hot luxury four-door COUPE market, its main rival lock Benz CLS. 這款車的推出是將搶佔日漸火熱的豪華四門COUPE市場,其對手主要鎖定賓士CLS。
- On this chart, the erector is marked in blue. 在這張圖上豎立肌以藍色標誌。
- My company mainly produces pipes of the launch vehicle and other types of products enterprises. 我公司主要生產各汽車發動水管以及其它管類製品的企業。
- The Mark II planners were just as sanguine when it came to launch vehicles. 馬可ii計劃者們對於飛船的發射也同樣樂觀。