- Divide one piece into 3 equal portions. 將其中一塊再勻分成3塊。
- To divide (something) into two equal portions or parts. 平分:把(某個東西)分成兩個相等的部分。
- To divide(something) into two equal portions or parts. 平分把(某個東西)分成兩個相等的部分
- Libra does their best to make sure everyone gets equal portions. 天秤座仔細比較著每個人食物的分額是否一樣。
- Within each gens the arable and meadow land was distributed by lot in equal portions among the individual households. 在每個氏族內,則用抽籤方法把耕地和草地平均分給各戶;
- Use a measuring cup or scoop to divide your dog's food into consistent and equal portions. 用量杯或者其他容器將盛糧,保證定量。
- A mixture of two things in equal portions, especially a mixture of equal parts of milk and cream. 兩者各半的混合兩種成分各佔一半的一種混合物,尤指由牛奶和乳脂各佔一半的混合物
- Cameras in tow, hewould breeze into a company, dispensing blunt criticism, bonhomie and briskadvice in equal portions. 在攝像機的尾隨下,他常輕快地步入一家公司,針對恰當的部分提出委婉的批評,給出溫和但是一針見血的建議。
- "They shall eat equal portions, except what they receive from the sale of their fathers' estates. 除了他賣祖父產業所得的以外,還要得一分祭物與他們同吃。
- She expected her husband would instantly divide her aunt's, legacy into two equal portions, and send off one-half to his brother at Paris. 她以為她丈夫馬上就會把姑媽的遺產平分為二,送一半到巴黎給弟弟去花。
- She expected her husband would instantly divide her aunt's legacy into two equal portions, and send off one-half to his brother at Paris. 她以為她丈夫馬上就會把姑媽的遺產平分為二,送一半到巴黎給弟弟去花。
- The straight-line method allocates an equal portion of depreciation expense to each period of the asset's useful life. 直線折舊法在資產使用年限內將等額折舊費用分配到每一年度。
- Chickens are lean. A4- ounce roasted chicken leg contains26.5 calories and15.4 grams of fat, compared to as much as38.9. calories and30 grams of fat for an equal portion of steak. 雞肉的脂肪很少。一隻四盎司的烤雞腿含有二六五卡的熱量及十五點四公克的脂肪,相較之下,同樣份量的牛排含有高達三八九卡的熱量及卅公克的脂肪。
- If all our misfortunes are laid in one common heap, whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart. 如果把世界上每個人的痛苦放在一起,再讓你去選擇,你可能還是願意選擇自己原來的那一份。
- If all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap, whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be content to take their own and depart. 如果我們把每個人的不幸堆成一堆由大家均分,大多數人都甘願接受一份,欣然離去。
- In equal portions. 同等的
- He gave us measly little portions of cake. 他給了我們少得可憐的一點蛋糕。
- It is equal to me whether he comes or not. 他來不來對我都一樣。
- This restaurant serves very mingy portions. 這家餐廳的飲食分量很少。
- I was bored with work not equal to my abilities. 我對於那些跟自己能力不相稱的工作感到厭倦。