- To bandy words;engage in small talk. 口角鬥嘴;進行瑣碎的交談
- To bandy words; engage in small talk. 口角鬥嘴;進行瑣碎的交談
- To engage in small talk or gossip. 聊天或傳播流言蜚語
- chat about everyday family affairs; engage in small talk; chitchat 扯家常
- They engage in small talk,which is another word for casual,trivial conversation. 人們進行閑談聊天,也就是隨意交談,談些瑣碎的事情。
- You might engage in small talk and make a remark about the weather, your job or current events. 你可以與對方閑聊,談談天氣、你的工作或者時事等;你也可以問你的美國朋友最近都在幹些什麼,或是將來有哪些計劃。
- They engage in small talk,which is another word for casual,trivial conversations. 人們進行閑談聊天,也就是隨意交談,談些瑣碎的事情。
- Yc might engage in small talk and make a remark about the weather, your job or current events. 你可以與對方閑聊,談談天氣、你的工作或者時事等;你也可以問你的美國朋友最近都在幹些什麼,或是將來有哪些計劃。
- engage in small talk; talk about domestic trivia 擺家常
- Jia engaged in small talks with Mongolian grannies and trained horses, milked and cut grass with young people. 他與蒙古族阿媽談家常;與青年人一起馴馬、擠奶、割草;
- In small towns ladinos commonly engage in commerce as well as farming. 小城鎮里的拉迪諾人除從事農作外,通常也從事商業活動。
- Is it wise to engage in active sports at your age? 我這樣的年紀積极參加體育活動是否明智?
- I have no time to engage in gossip. 我無暇閑聊。
- While Sara's baby brother and sister played in the front yard, the two young women sat in the sun, engrossed in small talk. 薩拉年幼的小弟弟和小妹妹在前院里玩耍,這兩個妙齡女郎,沐浴在燦爛陽光里,坐在那興緻勃勃地聊天。
- You engage in small talk.Yes, the plane ride was awful.They laugh at your description of "Tours for Texans," a 747 filled with outsized westerners. 於是開始了簡短的談話,說起到這裡的過程,是的,坐飛機很不舒服:波音747上全是大塊頭的西部人。
- They engage in the study of music. 他們從事音樂研究。
- Seemed a bit reserved. Not one to be shy myself, I walked over, handed him a Bud Light, introduced myself, and engaged in some stupid football small talk. 看起來有些矜持。但是不是個很害羞的人,我走過去,給他一杯百威,自我介紹了一下,找了些愚蠢的足球話題搭訕。
- I prefer to live in small cities. 我更喜歡住在小城市裡。
- We stood around the fire, making small talk. 我們站在火爐周圍聊天。
- Let's not engage in personalities. 我們別再進行人身攻擊了吧