- Also used for radiusing,descaling,degreasing,and so on. 以及用於倒角,除銹,去油等。
- Electrochemical behavior of copper in alkaline-sulfide solutions. 銅在鹼性硫化物溶液中電化學性能。
- Corrosion behavior was investigated by electrochemical methods. 採用電化學方法研究鋼筋的腐蝕行為。
- The electrochemical character of Zn electrode maded by casting is studied. 探討了用鑄造法製得的多孔鋅電極的電化學性能。
- Raw materials, tailoring, degreasing, pickling, play sand, polishing, spray. 原材料、剪裁、除油、酸洗、打沙、拋光、噴塑。
- Numbers of additives are added to decrease the effect of degreasing. 也添加定量的加脂劑以減少對皮膚的脫脂作用。
- Study on the removal and transform of ions in water by electrochemical reactor. 電化學反應器對水中離子去除轉化的試驗研究。
- The pH is now defined in electrochemical terms (see electrochemistry). 現在已用電化學的表示方法來定義ph了。
- Abstract: Coulostatic method is a new electrochemical mearuring technology. 摘要:恆電量法是一種新興的電化學測試方法。
- Treatment includes electrochemical equilibria and surface thermodynamics. 講述內容包括電化學平衡和表面熱力學。
- H. Tipton, 「Dynamics of Electrochemical Machining Proc.」, 5th Int. 蔡和蒼,」反求法在電化學加工刀具設計上之應用」,國立中
- Electrochem ical pow er sources and electrically driven vehicles are also d... 電化學工業的工藝改進大大地減小了對環境的危害。
- The electrochemical reaction of dopamine at this electrode was studied. 研究了電極上多巴胺的電化學反應。
- The principle of pulse electrochemical finish machi ning (PECFM)is di scussed. 闡述了脈衝電化學光整加工原理。
- Electrochemical behavior of nickel should be stud- ied for several reasons. 鎳的電化學行為應螺柱,簡易爆炸裝置有以下幾個原因。
- The process begins when cells in the pons start producing a flood of electrochemical signals. 當腦橋細胞開始產生一種帶有電化學信號的血流時,夢即開始。
- A newly developed high efficient degreasing and rust removing solution for pre blackening treatment of high strength bolt is presented. 根據高強度螺栓發藍工藝的獨特性,研製適用工藝要求的常溫除油除銹液,在生產中應用良好。
- The electrochemical impregnation (ECI) in ethanol-water solution is of great value for application. 乙醇-水溶液二元體系電化學浸漬具有很高的實用價值。
- In electrochemical machining, the tool is the cathode and the workpiece is the anode. 在電化切削時,刀具是正極,工具是負極。