- Hello. I'd like to reserve a table for two for eight o' clock, please. 你好,我要訂一張今晚八點兩個人的餐桌。
- Why are you here at eight o clock in the morning? 你為什麼早晨8點鐘就來這兒?
- It suits me if you come to work at eight o' clock. 如果你八點來上班我就滿意了。
- Can you be here at eight o' clock tomorrow morning ? 明天早晨八點你能到這兒嗎?
- Wake up ! It' s eight o' clock. 醒醒吧! 已經八點鐘了.
- By evening the occupation was complete, and the people were chases off the streets by an eight o' curfew. 至傍晚,佔領已告完成。八點鐘開始的宵禁把人們從街道趕走。
- By evening the occupation was complete, and the people were chased off the streets by an eight o' curfew. 至傍晚,佔領已告完成,八點鐘開始的宵禁把人們從街上趕回家。
- Able toe stablish the d arum 1 ine automatically r egardless o f t he h eight o f s ensor suspended above the road. 2.自動標定超聲波探頭的架設高度,探頭與地面間有無遮擋物的判斷以地面回波為基準;
- Closing time at this pub is eleven o' clock. 這酒館的打烊時間是十一點。
- At eight o' he was still at work, writing with a good deal of inconvenience upon little squares of paper, with a big book open on his knees, when Madame Magloire entered, according to her wont, to get the silver-ware from the cupboard near his bed. 八點鐘他還在工作,當馬格洛大娘按平日習慣到他床邊壁櫃里去取銀器時,他正在一張小方紙上勉強寫著字,因為他膝頭上正攤著一本礙手礙腳的厚書。
- Have you finished lunch already? It's only12 o' clock! 你已經吃過午飯了嗎?現在才12點。
- Classes begin at eight o'clock, ends at five o' clock. 我們早上八點上課,下午五點放學。
- It is 5 o' clock in the afternoon. 現在是下午5點鐘。
- Eight roads radiate from the square. 八條大道從廣場呈輻射形伸展出去。
- School takes in at eight and lets out at three. 學校八點上課,下午三點放學。
- A byte composed of eight binary elements. 一個由8個二進位數位組成的位元組。
- The BBC will broadcast the news at 10 O'clock. BBC台10點廣播新聞。
- He was only eight when he ascended the throne. 他登上王位時才八歲。
- There are eight runners in the final race. 最後的賽程中有八匹馬參加。
- Our ordinary workday is eight hours. 我們正常的工作日是8小時。