- In the situation that sample size is odd, the sample median, as the maximum likelihood estimator of location parameter, is proved to be unbiased and strongly consistent. 在樣本容量為奇數的情形,證明了樣本中位數作為雙參數對稱指數分佈位置參數的極大似然估計,具有無偏性與強相合性;
- The definition of the maximum likelihood estimator with the prior information (PMLE) is given in this paper, and the consistency and asymptotic normality of PMLE are proved. 摘要定義了有先驗信息的極大似然估計,它能夠充分利用參數的先驗信息,還具有正規條件下的相合性和漸近正態性。
- partial information maximum likelihood estimator 部分信息極大似然估計量
- Full information maximum likelihood estimator 完全信息極大似然估計量
- linearized maximum likelihood estimator 線性化極大似然估計量
- the maximum likelihood estimator 極大似然估計
- And then the model parameters are estimated by means of MLE (maximum likelihood estimation). 其次運用極大似然估計方法對模型的參數進行標定。
- maximum likelihood estimator(MLE) 最大似然估計
- quasi- maximum likelihood estimator 擬極大似然估計量
- Sieve maximum likelihood estimator Sieve極大似然估計
- Quasi-maximum likelihood estimator 擬極大似然估計
- Empirical Bayes estimation (EBE) and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of reliability index are given, respectively. 分別給出了系統可靠性指標的經驗 Bayes 估計,極大似然估計。
- The maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the model are computed with the EM algorithm. 本文將其中一個擾動變數視為缺失數據,利用EM演算法得到模型參數的極大似然估計。
- Parameters of AR PSD Model can be obtained by maximum likelihood estimate (MLE). AR模型參數估計可以使用最大似然估計法(MLE);
- the second Maximum Likelihood Estimator(ML-II) 第二類極大似然估計
- An improved maximum likelihood estimation method named AMLE was proposed in this paper. 其根本原因是沒有考慮每個點對固有維數的不同貢獻。
- Isotonic Regression,order restriction,restricted maximum likelihood estimate,iteration method,constraint optimization. 01保序回歸,半序約束,約束最大似然估計,迭代方法,約束最優化
- modified maximum likelihood estimator 修正極大似然估計(MMLE)
- approximated maximum likelihood estimator 近似最大似然估計
- This is a highly efficient new heating system. 這是個高效的新取暖系統。