- The economics of the project are very encouraging. 這項工程的經濟情況非常令人鼓舞。
- Center for Quantitative Economics of. 吉林大學數量經濟研究中心。
- The economics of the business firm II. 企業經濟學2。
- Moreover, the economics of enlargement looks good. 此外,歐盟擴大的經濟影響似乎不錯。
- Welcome to the website of Xi an Qinling Diamond Grinding Wheels Co., Ltd.! 歡迎光臨西安秦嶺金剛石砂輪有限公司網站!
- The economics of this country is a disaster. 這個國家的經濟狀況是個災難。
- First, networks alter the basic economics of industry. 首先,網路改變了工業的基本經濟因素。
- The subcompany is located in the No.8 Of Daxingdong Road, a main street of Xi an with an area of 30667 square meters. 分公司地處西安市主要公路幹線大興東路8號,佔地30667平方米。
- The economics of national growth are of great importance. 國民經濟的增長情況具有極大的重要性。
- Shaanxi (and the city of Xi』an therein) are considered one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. 陝西省(及古城西安)是中華文明的發源地之一。
- J. J. Laffont. The Economics of Uncertainty and Information. 《不確定性與資訊的經濟學》。
- The paper belongs to the early study of the preservation planning of Xi"an Forest of Steles. 本論文是屬於西安碑林保護規劃的前期研究部分。
- Sacrifices to the King of Xi stem back to ancient times. 對於羲皇的祭祀可追索到久遠的年代。
- Marschak,Jacob,1965,Economics of Language,Behavioural Science 10.4. 周豐濱.;東北老工業基地產業自生競爭力研究[J]
- Technology and economics of drilling in the region are evaluated. 評述了東方站地區鑽探的技術經濟指標。
- We have built a long-term friendly relationship with the west station of Xi an and can flexibly allocate the train wagons. 聯運分公司與西安西站建立了長期友好關係,可隨時調撥車皮計劃。
- The study of economics of language needs systematizing. 摘要語言經濟學研究需要系統化。
- The subcompany is located in the No.3 Dabaiyangnan Road within Beierhuan Road of Xi an with an area of 50590.6 Square meters. 分公司地處西安市北二環路以內大白楊南路3號;佔地50590.;6平方米。
- AbstractThis article is an outline of the academical biography of Xi Zezong, a very outstanding scholar in the history of astronomy and science. 內容提要席澤宗是當代中國天文學史界的代表人物,也是科學史界的翹楚。