- Suddenly, the economic future looks a lot less bubbly. 轉瞬之間,經濟的前景如同泡沫坍塌。
- In all likelihood things couldn't be better for China's economic future. 對於中國的經濟前景再好不過了。
- Analysts are cautiously optimistic about the country's economic future. 分析師審慎樂觀預期該國經濟的未來。
- America's economic future depends upon increased cooperation among government, union, and management. 美國經濟的前途有賴於政府、工會和資方更加通力合作。
- This is an anxious time, but the American people can be confident in our economic future. 現在正是焦慮的時期,但是美國人民能夠對國家的經濟未來有信心。
- For one can fairly say that ties between the two sides have undergone a sea change in recent years and Taiwan's economic future is now bound closely to the Mainland. 可以說在過去幾年來,兩岸的關係已經發生了質變,台灣的經濟前途,已經和大陸密切相關。
- The president says he knows Americans are concerned about their economic future, with the challenges of higher energy prices and a falling housing market slowing growth. 布希總統說,他知道由於能源價格上漲和房地產市場下滑使經濟增長放緩,美國人對美國的經濟未來感到擔憂。
- Janno Lieber, who heads Mr Silverstein's WTC operation, has said the Port Authority's position is based on a 「totally pessimistic attitude about New York's economic future」. 領導西爾弗斯坦世貿中心建設工程團隊的雅諾.;利伯表示,港務局現在的立場,是建立在「對紐約的經濟前景完全失去信心」的基礎上。
- TESSA MORRIS SUZUKI: "This has been true for a long time, Australia is part of the region, our economic future, our security future is integrally tied to the region. 澳大利亞地處亞洲地區,我們的經濟前景,我們國家的安全都與這個地區息息相關,這一直都是一個不爭的事實。
- The vision of a renewable future in the gulf is rooted not so much in a green sentiment as in analysis of the region's economic future and the lifestyles of its citizens. 波斯灣再生能源未來前景甚少源於環保意識,而比較是基於對該區經濟前途和國民生活方式的分析。
- Freight rates and volumes have fallen of late, but Mr Buffett trumpeted his purchase as 「an all-in wager on the economic future of the United States」. 最近運費和運輸量在持續下降,然而巴菲特將這次收購稱為「對美國經濟前景的清倉跟進賭注」。
- The president said he believed that signing a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement or CECA with China will be critical to Taiwan's economic future. 總統說他相信與大陸簽署「綜合性經濟合作協議」(CECA)是台灣未來經濟的核心。
- Persistent financial crisis and economic future go of situation not Anacreontic, the consumptive apiration that letting consume the market produces move. 持續的金融危機以及經濟未來走勢的不明朗,正在讓消費市場的消費意願發生轉移。
- Its reach may still be miniscule within India, but it is spreading, and the terrorists who blow up trains in Bombay are at least as great a threat to India's economic future as any that Luce lists. 印度伊斯蘭狂熱主義的活動範圍也許還很小,但已有一股蔓延之勢,恐怖分子還在孟賣炸毀火車,嚴重威脅了印度的經濟發展,威脅程度絲毫不低於盧斯列出的其他因素。
- Translate the following sentence into Chinese, 'The coast is the ancestral homeland of First Nations groups, and a handful of Native villages dotting the coast are turning to ecotourism as part of their economic future. 這個海岸是第一批民族聚居者的發源地,一些點綴在海岸線上的土著村莊正在向生態旅遊發展,這將成為他們未來經濟的一部分。
- Yet all this tinkering at the margins has failed to reassure the Chinese people, or many outside the country, that the government has a clear plan for its political and economic future. 然而所有這些邊邊角角的修補都沒能讓中國民眾或者外界安心相信政府對政治與經濟未來有一個清晰的計劃。
- Janno Lieber, who heads Mr Silverstein's WTC operation,buy cheap wow gold, has said the Port Authority's position is based on a 「totally pessimistic attitude about New York's economic future」. 領導西爾弗斯坦世貿中心建設工程團隊的雅諾.;利伯表示,港務局現在的立場,是建立在「對紐約的經濟前景完全失去信心」的基礎上。
- Since both Japan and US hold similar rates of return, are extending fiscal deficits and see dour economic futures, trends will be dampened. 翻譯機:由於日本和美國舉辦類似的回報率,是擴大財政赤字和見嚴厲的經濟期貨,趨勢將因此而黯淡。(請問正確的翻譯是什麼?)
- But the huge budget, which contemplates a $1.2 trillion deficit, has drawn the ire of small-government conservatives, who say that such high deficits jeopardize the nation's economic future. 但是,這項巨額預算,需要1.;2萬億美元的赤字。這一下激怒了支持小政府的保守派。他們預言,如此高額的赤字將危害這個國家未來的經濟。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使這個國家經濟成長的無名英雄。