a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life
用作名詞 (n.)
Whenever you come, you will find Hunan a Chinese painting of landscape and an eclogue of the East. 無論什麼季節,湖南都是一幅中國山水畫,一首東方田園詩。
The first part, mainly discuss Chinese ncient pastoral eclogue the origins and the spirit substance of the literature. 第一部分,主要論述中國古代田園牧歌文學的起源及精神實質對於遲子建的影響。
His oil painting works always flare with rational brilliance of realism as well as pure and fresh art color and lyric quality of eclogue. 他的油畫作品,始終閃耀著現實主義的理性光輝,卻又不乏清新秀婉的藝術情調和田園牧歌式的抒情品質。