- earth flatten approximation 地球變平近似
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我們把一個無人駕駛的火箭送入了地球的軌道里。
- The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月球對地球的吸引力造成潮汐。
- The earth is only a speck in the universe. 地球在宇宙中只不過是一個小點罷了。
- How on earth do they manage to rob the bank? 他們到底怎麼搶了銀行的?
- A number of satellites are now circling the earth. 一些人造衛星現在正環繞地球飛行。
- The machine cast up a big heap of earth. 機器捲起了一大堆泥土。
- The red sun lights up the sky and the earth. 紅太陽照亮了天空和大地。
- Who on earth is that female he's with? 跟他在一起的那個女人究竟是誰?
- Antarctica is the loneliest place on earth. 南極是地球上最偏遠的地區。
- He dived his hand into the earth. 他將手插入泥土中。
- Earth worms are often used as bait. 蚯蚓常用作魚餌。
- The earth in the garden is good, soft soil. 花園裡的泥土鬆軟肥沃。
- Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth. 許多動物已人地球上消失了。
- The heavy wheels churned the earth into mud. 笨重的車輪將大地碾成了泥漿。
- What percentage of the earth is covered by oceans? 地球上百分之多少被海水覆蓋著?
- The heated air drinks up the moisture of the earth. 熱空氣把土裡的濕氣都吸幹了。
- A sweet smell emanates from the earth after rain. 雨後一種香氣從地面發散出來。
- There are millions of living things on the earth. 世界上有數以百萬計的生物。
- He stabbed at the earth with his stick. 他拿手杖戳著地。