- She took drugs to dull the pain. 她吃了葯以減輕疼痛。
- Perhaps his nerve is naturally too dull to admit of any excitation. 大概他的神經天生就很遲鈍以至不容有任何刺激的餘地。
- She gave me some medicine to dull the pain. 她給了我一些可減輕疼痛的葯。
- It would be very dull to be married to Denis. 和丹尼斯結婚太乏味了。
- The endless rain seemed to dull all sound. 連綿不斷的陰雨似乎使所有的聲音都變得沉悶起來。
- This knife is too dull to cut through the meat. 這刀太鈍了。以至於無法將肉切斷。
- To dull red and lost aroma who would drop pity by? 紅消香斷有誰憐?
- Go from dull to darling with "that gal. 讓你從枯燥乏味變成甜美可人的「那個女孩」。
- To dull or deaden as if with a narcotic drug. 象毒品一樣引起遲鈍或麻木的
- Give me something to dull the pain. 請給我點解痛藥。
- The sensory nerves of this old man seem to dull. 這位老人的感覺神經似乎不太敏銳了。
- Perhaps his nerves were naturally too dull to admit of any excitation. 大概他的神經天生就很遲鈍以至不容有任何刺激的餘地。
- It makes richer classical music sound dull to trained ears. 而它使層次更豐富的經典音樂對訓練有素的人來說變得素然無味。
- Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation. 食不過飽,飲不過量。
- He has dullness to percussion and spider angiomas. 他肚子叩診上去濁音,並且蜘蛛痣.
- The rule here is that no postings are too dull to mention. 這兒的遊戲規則是無論再乏味的職位都要列出來。
- Eat not to dullness and drink not to elevation. 食不可飽,飲不可醉。
- An almost neutral brownish gray to dull grayish brown. 暗褐色近乎中性的棕灰到暗灰棕色
- Well, I prefer rain to dullness. 我寧願淋雨也不願意無聊。
- Eat not to dullness;drink not to elevation. 勿混吃悶睡;勿嗜酒如命。