- They are widely applied in the tower of coking desulfurizing, benzene scrubbing, naphthalene scrubbing, ammonia scrubbing and chemical fertilizer hot water saturation tower, electric power plant wet cooling tower. 該系列填料具有比表面積大、空隙率高、傳質係數大、抗堵塞、抗腐蝕、耐急冷急熱、使用壽命長、易安裝的優點,是一種理想的塔填料。
- natural draft counter-flow wet cooling tower 自然通風逆流濕式冷卻塔
- Key points in design of cooling tower consisted of heat exchanger and wet cooling tower 雙冷式冷卻塔的設計要點
- Contrasting dry oxidation technic in cooling tower,introduced the technological process and advantage of wet oxidation. 對比氧化冷卻塔干法氧化工藝,簡述濕法氧化的工藝流程及該法的優越性。
- counter-flow wet cooling tower 逆流濕式冷卻塔
- closed wet cooling tower 閉式冷卻塔
- wet cooling tower 蒸發冷卻塔
- We also export cooling tower allover the world. 我們真誠希望能與貴公司合作成功,謝謝.
- For example, I inhaled air and circulating water cooling tower. 例如空氣吸入口及循環水冷卻塔等。
- IAHR 5th Cooling Tower and Spraying pond Symposium,1986. 中國水利水電科學研究院研究報告,1992年4月。
- In cases where the grey or dirty or used immediately available dry mops dry wet mops being polished. 如遇有灰或臟可用干拖把或用擰乾的濕拖把擦拭。
- It has also destroyed the cooling tower at its reactor at Yongbyon. 北韓還炸毀了寧邊核反應堆的冷卻塔。
- Wooden bathroom ark has draconian requirements for the environment of bathroom,that is, dry wet depart. 木質浴室櫃對衛浴間內的環境有相對苛刻的要求,即乾濕分離。
- Another cooling tower, chiller, or boiler becomes necessary. 另外冷卻塔,制冷機,或鍋爐成為必要的。
- Especially of aggrandizement wood floor classy article, the front must not have dry wet flower, blotch or colour and lustre not equal defect. 尤其是強化木地板的優等品,正面不得有乾濕花、污斑或色澤不均等疵點。
- If lacquer face is coarse, wait for after its are fully dry, hit with dry wet amphibious sand paper after grinding smooth, rub-up, brush afresh again on paint. 假如漆面毛糙,待其干透后,用乾濕兩用砂紙打磨光滑、擦凈后,再重新刷上油漆。
- They also said the cooling tower in Yongbyon will be destroyed Friday. 據介紹,寧邊核設施冷卻塔的爆破工作將於27日進行。
- Corrosion of coastal floodgates in environments such as seawater, dry wet exchange, exposure in sunlight, coastal salty air, marine animals and plants and moist air was described. 分析了沿海擋潮鋼閘門長期受浸泡海水、乾濕交替、日光曝晒、沿海鹽霧、海生生物及潮濕空氣的腐蝕情況。
- Problems of PVC filler cooling tower for circulating water are analyzed. 分析了循環水PVC填料冷卻塔的本身問題;
- Because landform landforms is complex diversiform, here winter warm Xia Liang, dry wet season is trenchant, perpendicular change is marked, show sunny, radiate intense. 由於地形地貌複雜多樣,這裡冬暖夏涼、乾濕季分明、垂直變化顯著,呈陽光充足、輻射強烈。