- Inspection on cleanliness of dry cargo hold 乾貨艙清潔檢驗
- Generally in dry cargo ship the cargo holds were placed fore and aft of machinery space that was situated at or near the middle of length. 通常來說,在乾貨船,貨艙是被布置的於機械空間的前後,而機械空間位於船的中部附近。
- dry cargo hold 乾貨艙
- The water ingress alarm system for cargo hold. 船舶貨艙進水報警裝置。
- He's got a stateroom listed as a cargo hold on the manifest. 他將頭等艙偽造成裝貨物的倉庫。
- Pull the grates. Get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold! 拉起壁爐!把所有火藥放進貨艙的網兜里!
- Sounding the tanks and cargo hold bilges adjacent to collision area. 測量碰撞附近的艙櫃和貨艙污水阱。
- Carrier cargo holds can no longer be overloaded. 航母的船艙不再會過載。
- Smoking in cargo holds is prohibited. 貨艙內嚴禁吸煙。
- All openings in cargo holds are closed. 所有貨艙出入口已經關閉。
- The highly advanced production facility of MCID will secure a uniformed dry cargo container of high quality. MCID 先進的生產設備為生產始終如一高品質的乾貨集裝箱提供了保證。
- Further inspection in the two cargo holds showed that the spaces were dry with no signs of water ingress or wetting of cargo. 對兩個貨艙的進一步檢查顯示,貨艙是乾燥的,沒有水流入或貨物受濕的跡象,貨物也沒有受潮。
- This paper gives a brief introduction of cargo hold ventilation of air cooled and water cooled reefer container vessel. 本文介紹了風冷和水冷兩種冷藏集裝箱船的貨艙通風設計。
- FFA (Forward Freight Agreement) is company's core business, it also deals with multi-business activities driven by dry cargo transportation. 公司以FFA操作為主業,並以實物進出口貨物運輸為配合,在運輸業務推動下積極開展多種業務活動。
- Maersk Container Industri Dongguan Ltd (MCID), in the Guangdong province, will by end of 2006 commence production of dry cargo containers. 廣東東莞馬士基集裝箱工業有限公司(簡稱MCID),將於2006 年底開始投入乾貨集裝箱的生產。
- As a light reflecting finishing coat on surfaces of cargo holds. 可作為反光面漆塗於貨艙表面。
- The Sierra Leone-flagged dry cargo vessel New Star began to sink in the Sea of Japan near Russia's far-eastern port of Nakhodka on Sunday morning, the report said. 報道稱,獅子山「新星」號貨船在瀕臨日本海的俄羅斯納霍德卡港附近沉沒。
- On one hunting expedition, he and four members of his tribe were kidnapped and woke up in the cargo hold of a starship. 在一次狩獵行動中,他和其他四名部落成員被綁架了,醒來后發現自己在星際飛船的貨艙里。
- The main products are dry cargo container floorings which meet the needs of all kinds of ISO general containers and special containers such as 20',40',45',48',53' and etc. 公司主要生產乾貨集裝箱木地板,能夠全面滿足20英尺、40英尺、45英尺、48英尺和53英尺等各種普通和特種乾貨集裝箱的需要。
- Step3: Find out the related information with the words "cargo hold, inspector, rhino,toucan". (目的:聯繫上下文,猜測詞義,理解文章大意。)