- Bushnell was moved to a rehabilitation unit. 布希內爾被轉到了康復區。
- Drug rehabilitation is a long and painful process. 戒毒是一個漫長而痛苦的過程。
- It says here that one of the members of savage garden is in drug rehabilitation. 據說野人花園樂隊成員的成員之一在戒毒。
- In Xi'an New City's drug rehabilitation center, a cured patient is fuming sulfur in an iron canister to cure an itch. 陝西西安戒毒所內,一個戒毒者在鐵筒中用硫磺熏療疥瘡。
- Our funding covers transportation and training costs for a programme at the drug rehabilitation centre in Siu Lam. 抬轎比賽慈善基金資助小欖戒毒康復中心戒毒康復計劃的交通及訓練費用。
- Effie capsule (renal rehabilitation): the only category of renal drug rehabilitation. 艾菲膠囊(腎復康):唯一的腎科康復 類用藥。
- At press time, the cause of his death had not been determined. According to an ABT spokesperson, Bissell was enrolled in a company drug rehabilitation program at the time. 截至截稿日期,死因尚未確定。不過,根據美國芭蕾舞劇院一個發言人所說,比斯爾死時正在一家戒毒中心接受治療。
- Students will take a ferry to Drug Rehabilitation Center. Students should provide their own medicine for seasickness prevention. 戒毒中心探訪將會乘坐船前往,如有需要,同學請自備藥用品。
- The space then provides a refuge from bombing raids, is liberated by the arrival of the Soviet army and, during the communist era, acts as a rehabilitation unit for children with polio. 這個空間隨後變成了一個躲避炸彈襲擊的避難所,後來隨著蘇聯軍隊的到來,它被解放了,在共產主義時代,變為一家患有小兒麻痹症兒童的康復中心。
- This drug rehabilitation center gives people an impression of a Xanadu without locked gates, serious policemen but covered with green sugar cane. 新聞總是有的,有的時候只能相信一種,一種是歌舞昇平,太平盛世,一種是路有凍死骨,朱門酒肉臭。
- In 2000, Maradona was hospitalized with a severe heart problem while holidaying in Uruguay and tested positive for cocaine before undergoing drug rehabilitation in Cuba. 阿根廷媒體透露,老馬周三入院,原因不明。
- comprehensive rehabilitation unit 綜合康復中心
- Joint Service Medical Rehabilitation Unit 軍種聯合醫療康復分隊
- Joint Services Rehabilitation Unit 三軍修理部隊
- industrial rehabilitation unit(IRU) 工業康復單位
- medical rehabilitation unit(MRU) 醫學康復中心
- regional residential rehabilitation unit 地區住院康復中心
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 護士用生理鹽水把葯加以稀釋。
- Asian Programme on Community Drug Rehabilitation; 亞洲社區戒毒方案;
- Combined alcohol and drug rehabilitation 酒精和藥物聯合康復