It will prevent permanent hard drive defects caused by the hard drive heads contacting the surface of the drive disc. 它可以防止永久性的故障,這些故障都是由於硬碟驅動頭接觸了驅動盤表面造成的。
Safety is a cornerstone of the Honda Legend, and adds Active Head Restraints to its already impressive safety equipment. 安全性是本田傳奇的基石,並增加了主動頭枕其已經令人印象深刻的安全設備。
While unscrewing the injector button head, a second wrench must be used to assure that the injector body is not loosened from the main valve. 在擰松注入器圓頭螺栓時,要用第二個扳手固定住注入器,防止其從主閥門上松落下來。
A wrench used for turning large pipes,an adjustable chain circles the pipe with its ends connected to the head whose teeth engage the pipe. 用來旋轉大的管道的扳手,一個可以調整的鏈條其頭尾部連在管道頭部鋸齒合在管上。