- In simple terms, he says, 「the wet places will get wetter and the dry drier」. 簡單地說,他表示,「多雨地區將變得更加潮濕,乾旱地區則更加乾旱」。
- Water in the sand between the 2 parts is uprated pots evaporates through the surface of the larger part pot, where dryer drier outside here air is moving. 由於大容器外面有乾燥的空氣流動,兩個容器中間濕土裡的水分通過大容器的表面蒸發。
- Then it is left until most of the water drys dries up. 待到大部分的水都幹掉之後,留下來的就叫紙漿。
- Then it is left untill until most of the water drys dries up. 直到大多數水乾燥然後再放下。
- Strow Straw is the dry dried stem part of plants such as wheat, millet and sorghum. 像小麥、玉米和高粱這些植物的干莖就是稻草。
- Dry Dry the substrate printed. 乾燥:將被印物烘乾。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦乾了雙手和面部。
- She bought an electric hair dryer. 她買了個吹風機。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 舊井乾枯以後被人用磚堵上了。
- The road is only negotiable in the dry season. 這條道只有在旱季才能通行。
- Injection molding processing conditions Drying Drying is essential for PETG prior to injection molding. 化學和物理特性:PETG是透明的、非晶體材料。
- Ida was choking with the dry air. 空氣乾燥,艾達感到喘不過氣來。
- Grilled fish is drier and less greasy than fried fish. 烤魚比煎魚乾些並且油脂少些。
- The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun. 濕衣服在太陽下很快就會幹的。
- A good hot summer could dry the ground out. 一個炎熱的夏天可以將大地干透。
- I had kept my matches dry and soon struck a light. 我沒讓我的火柴受潮,我一擦就擦著了。
- The clothes will soon dry up in the wind. 這衣服經風一吹很快就會幹的。
- The doctor asked the drinker to dry out. 醫生要那個酒徒戒掉酒癮。
- Your clothes will take ages to dry out. 你的衣服要很長時間才能乾透。
- You can tumble the clothes dry in a dryer. 你可以用烘乾機將衣服烘乾。