- Most XSL-FO processors can output PDF documents and quality print, as well as HTML and other formats. 大多數XSL-FO處理器可以輸出PDF文檔,並進行高質量的列印,當然還可輸出HTML等其他形式的文件。
- Print mottle is one of the most detrimental factors to general print quality, and to get high quality print, the most important is to resolve print mottle problem. 摘要印刷墨斑是影響印刷質量的因素中最具損害性的一個,要得到高品質的印刷品首先要解決墨斑問題。
- Print mottle is one of the most detrimental factors to general print quality,and to get high quality print,the most important is to resolve print mottle problem. 印刷墨斑是影響印刷質量的因素中最具損害性的一個,要得到高品質的印刷品首先要解決墨斑問題。
- We use laser typesetting to ensure high speed and quality printing. 我們用激光排版以確保高速度高品質的印刷。
- Draft quality system design documents 起草有品質的系統設計文檔
- If you will be using a high-end copy shop, click High quality printing. 如果要使用高端複印店,請單擊「高質量列印」。
- Fine paper A general term that refers to high quality printing and writing papers. 廣義詞。泛指高品質的印刷或書寫用紙張。
- To get a high quality print product, it not only need the performance of print machine and craftily workers but need good unify mutually of print material, printing ink and forme etc. 因而對凹版印刷油墨轉移的機理的研究,目前仍然停留在定性分析的狀況。
- We are capable of supplying custom made size clamshell,blister,folded box with the high quality printing card insert. 我們有能力提供用戶定製大小的蚌殼,吸塑,折盒與高品質印刷卡插入。
- Papers can be clay coated for surface smoothness and opacity giving high quality finishes suitable for high quality printing processes. 要得到適於高質量印刷工藝的高品質加工紙,為了表面平滑度和不透明度的需要,紙上可能塗布白土。
- How to Print and Sign the Final Draft. 第七部分:怎樣列印和簽署最後的定稿合同。
- We use imported materials from the USA, Europe, Japan etc, and incorporate with tight quality control to produce high quality printing inks. 所有產品均採用美國、歐洲、日本等地進口之優質原材料生產及經嚴格質量檢定合格,以確保質量穩定。
- Now let's draft the contract and then sign it. 那麼我們起草合同,然後簽字。
- For example, paper is access to high quality prints important factor, which is the ink and membership card is as important as making equipment. 例如,紙張是獲得高質量印品的重要因素,這和油墨和會員卡製作後設備同等重要。
- He emptied the glass at on draft. 他一口氣喝完了那一大杯。
- We use High stander offset machine from Germany and High quality printing ink from Japan also the professional technician. 我們使用德國制高規格的印刷機器及高品質的日本油墨加上專業的技術。
- L/c is payable against your draft. 信用證憑匯票付款。
- A preliminary draft or record of a transaction. 條約草案合約的預備性的草案或紀錄
- You can also select whether you want high-quality printing (for desktop printing) or commercial press quality printing for the file that you are packing. 您還可以選擇要對您正在打包的文件使用高質量列印(用於桌面列印),還是專業印刷品質量的列印。
- Usually we ask for a draft in duplicate. 我們通常要求草圖一式兩份。