a negative aspect of something that is generally positive;
"there is a downside even to motherhood"
用作名詞 (n.)
However, there is a downside to Martin's offbeat effectiveness. 儘管如此,馬丁那非比尋常的得分效率其實已經呈現下降趨勢。
In recent weeks, the risks to inflation have shifted decisively to the downside. 在最近幾周內,通脹風險已轉向果斷地下降趨勢。
The downside of a high-carbohydrate diet, especially a diet loaded with sugar, is reduced fat metabolism and fatigue. 高醣飲食的負面影響是減少脂肪的代謝和造成疲勞,特別是吃太多甜食。
Despite some women's reticence to do away completely with their monthly period, gynecologic experts agreed that there was no physiological" downside" to a period-free life. 儘管有些婦女對徹底告別經期的做法不願表態,婦科專家還是認為沒有月經的生活不見得會有生理上的負面效應。