- And you doom to lead a happy life. 豬;你也是幸福的
- High Speed Train Doom to Failure? 高速列車再步「失敗模式」後塵?
- The enterprise was doomed to failure. 該企業註定要失敗。
- The aggressors were doomed to defeat. 侵略者註定要失敗。
- The project was doomed to failure. 這工程註定失敗。
- All his intrigues are doomed to failure. 他所有的陰謀詭計註定要失敗。
- She was doomed to unemployment by her ill health. 她因身體不好而註定要失業。
- This species was doomed to extinction. 這一種類註定要滅絕。
- All the schemes and intrigues are doomed to failur. 一切陰謀詭計都是註定要失敗的。
- The plan was doomed to failure from the outset. 這個計劃從一開始就註定要失敗。
- He seemed doomed to live a life of poverty. 他似乎註定要過貧困的生活。
- Why are my plans always doomed to failure? 為什麼我的計劃總是遭到失敗?
- Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues. 查理是個註定不得善終的人。
- He was doomed to undergo another misery. 他註定要經歷另一場痛苦。
- He was doomed to disappointment. 他註定要失望。
- The prisoner was doomed to death. 那名囚犯被判死刑。
- Any attempts to bring under the mass movement for civil rights are doomed to failure. 任何鎮壓民權群眾運動的企圖都是註定要失敗的。
- People sent the criminal to his doom. 人們將這個罪犯處死。
- The imperialists are doomed to failure. 帝國主義者是註定要失敗的。
- The attempt was doomed to failure. 這項嘗試註定失敗。