- She has been under the domination of her father since childhood. 她自孩提時代起一直受父親控制。
- The room is bone-dry, not a trace of damp anywhere. 房間十分乾燥,連一點濕氣也沒有。
- Her sweater smells of damp wool. 她的羊絨衫發出一股濕羊毛味。
- His defeat ended American domination of the sport. 他的失利結束了美國在該項運動中稱霸的地位.
- The room is bone-dry,not a trace of damp anywhere. 房間十分乾燥,連一點濕氣也沒有。
- The domination of the Invid must end. 因維的佔領必須結束。
- A domination of the market by a single company. 由單一公司統治市場的局面。
- This domination of decent people.This inhumanity. 這些對正直的人們的控制,這種不人道的行徑。」
- All the rigid rule of his forebears, all the domination of an unjust social order, grip him. 父輩的嚴峻的法規,不公平的社會制度,把他牢牢地控制住了。
- The air was heavy with the stink of damp and foulness. 空氣中有一股潮濕的惡臭味。
- The defeated army must assent to the domination of the victors. 被打敗的軍隊必須同意勝利軍隊的支配。
- The domination of a political organization by a boss. 領袖控制首領對政治組織的控制
- Damp pathogen being apt to attach to the spleen 濕喜歸脾
- We think this is because of dampness in the soil. 我們認為這是由於土壤中的潮濕所導致的。
- Damp pathogen impairing the spleen 濕邪傷脾
- Dominance of quantum processes is not complete. 量子過程並不囊括一切。
- expelling cold and damp pathogen 溫寒化濕
- The dominance of using RO method were put forward. 提出了反滲透法作為滲瀝液處理主體工藝的優勢。
- The long winter is over;birdsong and the scent of damp loam fill the air. 如果您是通過非免費方式得到此文檔的,請告訴我們。
- His real influence was asserted through his domination of the political bureau. 他的實際影響是通過在政治局的支配地位發揮出來的。