- Using the domestic equipment to produce non-fungi milk has much meaning on the developing of milk industry in China. 利用國產設備生產保鮮乳對我國乳品工業的發展具有深遠的實際意義。
- The foreign-invested enterprises lie in the encouragement catalogue to purchase domestic equipment, approved by related government apartment, can enjoy VAT return policy. 外商投資企業,屬國家鼓勵類產業,並經有關部門批複后,在國內購買國產設備可享受增值稅退稅優惠。
- Polyester Cotton Blended Fabric has good comfortability and high product added value, produce difficulty is existing for high broken ends percentage by using domestic equipment. 滌棉混紡織物舒適性好,產品附加值高,但使用國產設備生產經紗斷頭率高,生產難度大。
- Over a decade, OSEE has evolved into a global broadcast equipment provider with full range of product tailoring the diverse needs of worldwide client. 致力於播出和製作設備的研發和生產,經多年積累公司形成了一套完整的產品線。
- Dage Test Systems (Suzhou) Co., Ltd is wholly owned Subsidiary of Dage Holdings, headquarters, Aylesbury, England.D.T.S. is a world leading semi-conductor test equipment provider. 達格測試設備(蘇州)有限公司是英國達格控股集團下屬全資子公司,總部位於英格蘭Aylesbury,是世界領先的半導體測試設備的製造商(www.;dagegroup
- Intertech has been supporting various Swedish companies including the largest shop-display equipment provider, HL Display AB, and the water treatment solution supplier, Purus AB. 一天也只有早上半個小時也晚上能夠在一起,他晚上回家很晚經常在十點以後,回家后倒床就睡,有時候甚至整夜都不回家,問他在幹什麼,他就說陪客戶玩了一晚上。
- BDA China, a telecoms consultancy, said by introducing TD-SCDMA, Beijing hoped to give China Telecom an edge over domestic rivals that use foreign-backed standards and to support local equipment providers. 標準,希望給予中國電信某種優勢,使其領先於採用國外標準的國內競爭對手,並希望支持本國的設備供應商。
- Purchasing domestic equipments may reimburse the tax according to the self-management exportation tax rate. 採購的國產設備,可按自營出口退稅。
- According to the special composition of the oily sludge from tank bottoms, a set of treatment device was assembled by domestic equipments. 根據油罐底含油污泥的特殊組成,用國產設備,組配成套油罐底污泥處理設施;
- Modify imported old equipment by domestic equipment 用國產設備改造進口老設備
- NetClarity would be offering a free vulnerability testing program for VoIP equipment providers. 為VoIP設備提供商免費進行網路安全測試。
- Csb-21a equipment provides function for automatic setting of protection manners, besides programmable logic setting. CSB-21A裝置除了可以用可編程邏輯整定來設定保護方式外,還提供了自動方式設定功能。
- All the equipment provided for the work must be in good condition and good working order. 供此作業的所有設備均必須處於良好的狀態和良好的工作順序。
- I declare that the above equipment provided in the proposed workshop is owned by me. 謹此聲明上述供在新工場使用工具為本人所擁有。
- The factory has full expertise of product design, development and manufacture due to its topnotch mechanic and electrical technicians as well as various advanced imported and domestic equipments. 進入21世紀以來,企業自我加壓,又投入大筆資金,研製成功高精度數控球軸承溝道磨床和內孔磨床(俗稱二溝一孔)。
- I declare that the above equipment provided in the proposed workshop is owned by our company. 謹此聲明上述供在新工場使用工具為本公司所擁有。
- Equipment provided within the flat also includes a vacuum cleaner, sweeping brush, dustpan and brush, mop and bucket. 每個套間的設施同時也包括吸塵器,笤帚,畚箕和刷子,拖把和桶。
- The politician on the left is relieved ("Whew!") to have won the election, thanks to the special equipment provided by the consultant. 漫畫左邊的政客因競選勝利而鬆了一口氣(發出whew的一聲),這要歸功於政治顧問為他提供的特別裝備。
- The cat is a domestic animal in many countries. 貓在許多國家都是家養動物。
- She felt fenced in by domestic routine. 她覺得自己完全被家務事束縛住了。