- People shall not be regarded as subservient to the economic system. 不應把人的因素看成是經濟體制的附庸。
- People should not be regarded as subservient to the economic system. 不應把人的因素看成是經濟體制的附庸。
- This economic system is working in inefficiency. 經濟體制效率不高。
- A social and economic system based on the raising and herding of livestock. 畜牧主義以餵養或放牧家畜為基礎的社會和經濟系統
- What type of economic system does the U.S. Have? 美國奉行甚麼形式的經濟體制?
- A high level of unemployment was the chief domestic economic trouble spot. 高失業率是國內經濟最麻煩之處。
- We are reforming our economic system. 我們正在改革我們的經濟體制。
- The systematic factor consists of the domestic system of LDC and the international economic system. 制度性因素主要由不發達國家的自身制度和國際經濟制度構成。
- Therefore, to reform the domestic system and the international economic system is a significant condition for LDC to realizing the late-developing advantage. 因此,改革國內製度和改革國際經濟制度,是不發達國家實現后發優勢的重要條件。
- Knowledge is being used pervasively in the overall economic system. 知識與資訊正全面滲透到整個經濟運作過程中去。
- The bottom-line test of any economic system is whether it works. 對任何經濟制度的最終檢驗要看其是否有效。
- NAFTA, URAA and macroeconomic situation and domestic economic reform have played a key role in the process. 在此過程中,北美自由貿易協定(NAFTA)、烏拉圭農業協定(URAA)、宏觀經濟環境與國內政策的變革起了重要作用。
- The country's economic system is pure Alice in Wonderland. 這個國家的經濟制度實屬匪夷所思。
- It is dictated by highly centralized pla ed economic system. 這種體制是由高度集中的計劃經濟體制決定的。
- Benefiting from rapid international and domestic economic growth and the policy of expanding exports, foreign trade maintained high growth. 由於國內外經濟快速增長以及鼓勵出口等一系列政策的推動,對外貿易持續高速增長。
- An economic system based on private ownership and profit incentive. 建立在私有制和利潤刺激基礎上的一種經濟制度。
- Business Agency: Take part in international and domestic economic and trade negotiation. Draw up contracts, witness and supervise performance. 商務代理:參與國際、國內經濟貿易談判、合同擬訂、見證、履約監督。
- What leads to the transformation of one economic system to another? 是什麼導致一種經濟體制轉變為另一種?
- The ecology economical system is a complex system. 摘要生態經濟系統是一個複雜的系統。
- Such proceedings of the current need to rely on export-led domestic economic growth in China is a not belittle the problem. 這種訴訟對當前仍需要依靠出口拉動國內經濟增長的我國來說是一個不容小視的問題。