- Through rescue of do all one can, conflagration was put out eventually, many yuan 40 car maintains value. 經過奮力搶救,大火終於撲滅了,價值40多萬元的車保住了。
- To establish oneself in the world,one does all one can to seem establish there. 為了要在世上立足,人會盡其所能地務求看上去好象已經站穩了似的。
- To establish oneself in the world, one does all one can to seem established there. 為了要在世上立足,人會盡其所能地務求看上去好像已經站穩了似的。
- The reporter started city a few days ago, experience the reeky scene that to here to make base of advanced manufacturing industry do all one can goes all out in work everywhere. 世界製造業大轉移的浪潮拍擊著中國的海岸,在杭州灣畔的古越大地掀起了衝天巨浪。記者日前來到紹興市,處處感受到這裡為打造先進位造業基地而奮力拚搏的熱氣騰騰的景象。在紹興縣的新縣城柯橋,建設「國際紡織品製造中心,國際紡織品貿易中心」的巨幅路牌映入眼帘。
- No one can do all sorts of work in a factory. 沒有一個人能在工廠里做全能工。
- do all one can to gain the initiative 力爭主動
- No one can do all the divine work and apostolic ministries by his own, so always try best to build a team. 你面對上主的神聖,自然你也深悟你的罪惡,天主不消滅罪人,但潔凈人。
- To establish oneself in the world,one dies all one can to seem establish there. 為了要在世上立足,人會盡其所能地務求看上去好象已經站穩了似的。
- Sec.Rumsfeld:All one can offer by way of assurance is a seriousness of purpose. 拉姆斯費爾德部長:我一個人能提供的擔保只是我會以嚴肅去對待。
- do all one can to fulfil the production quota 奮力實現生產指標
- If all one can do is pray that some dud actor who doesn't know what to do with his hands won't sit nearby in a restaurant, eating out becomes a gamble. 日本禁煙學會表示,我國對於防止二手煙危害的活動在發達國家中處於最低水平。如果到了只能祈禱那些「新手演員」原理身邊的地步的話,美食的享受也將淪為賭博。
- do all one can to catch up 奮起直追
- do all one can in resistance 奮力反抗
- To establish oneself in the world,one dies all one can to seem to establish there. 為了要在世上立足,人會盡其所能地務求看上去好象已經站穩了似的。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 這些數字的總和是多少?
- Young men want to be faithful, and are not; old men want to be faithless, and cannot: that is all one can say. 年輕人想要成忠誠,但他們不是;老人們想要背信棄義,但他們也做不能。這便是一個人所能說的全部。
- He do all he can to clean up on his opponent. 他想方設法要擊敗他的對手。
- To establish oneself in the world, one dies all one can to seem establish there. 為了要在世上立足,人會盡其所能地務求看上去好象已經站穩了似的。
- 1.to work hard for; to do all one can to; to aim; 2.to argue strongly; to fend 力爭
- To establish oneself in the world, one dies all one can to seem to establish there. 為了要在世上立足,人會盡其所能地務求看上去好象已經站穩了似的。